Any reasonable person that has played both games can only come to 1 conclusion:Civ3 is not Civ at all.
Better AI? must be joking right?
Neither AI is good but the Civ3 AI is given many more advantages AND many more restrictions on the human player and it still stinks.I have never seen these "brilliant manuevers" by any Civ AIs..The only half decent attacks I have seen in any version is largely by luck or by a scenario design.Not actually planning,strategy and tactics.
Better diplomacy?..ya, until you actually start playing.They introduced a whole new level of tedium into a game that did not need any more.
I notice a poster complaining about boat unhappiness in Representative governments in 2.Others have whined about this also.I think its perfectly thought out.It makes Magnetism an important tech for representative governments instead of a Civ3 dead end.There are +s and -s to each government form.
Which leads perfectly to my main thought on Civ3:
In 2,everything is done for a reason.It flows together in complex simplicity.In 3,it seems like a throw it together,last minute change type game.The tech tree is a joke.Wonders mean nothing.Exploration is gone.Espionage is effectively gone.Trade? is that?.Its like "Civ for Dummies" offense intended.Sometimes I think the same people planned Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I have tryed real hard to like this game(3).I have gone back to it from time to time.I've tryed patches,mods and what not.I just can't learn to like brussel sprouts
Better AI? must be joking right?
Neither AI is good but the Civ3 AI is given many more advantages AND many more restrictions on the human player and it still stinks.I have never seen these "brilliant manuevers" by any Civ AIs..The only half decent attacks I have seen in any version is largely by luck or by a scenario design.Not actually planning,strategy and tactics.
Better diplomacy?..ya, until you actually start playing.They introduced a whole new level of tedium into a game that did not need any more.
I notice a poster complaining about boat unhappiness in Representative governments in 2.Others have whined about this also.I think its perfectly thought out.It makes Magnetism an important tech for representative governments instead of a Civ3 dead end.There are +s and -s to each government form.
Which leads perfectly to my main thought on Civ3:
In 2,everything is done for a reason.It flows together in complex simplicity.In 3,it seems like a throw it together,last minute change type game.The tech tree is a joke.Wonders mean nothing.Exploration is gone.Espionage is effectively gone.Trade? is that?.Its like "Civ for Dummies" offense intended.Sometimes I think the same people planned Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I have tryed real hard to like this game(3).I have gone back to it from time to time.I've tryed patches,mods and what not.I just can't learn to like brussel sprouts
