That was a valid question, which was then closed out of hand with a pretty appalling excuse I might add.
I would actually appreciate a proper answer to this, especially in light of Ming's Chicago meet antics of the other day...
Please kindly discuss this without immediately resorting to closing the thread out of hand.
This isn't a spam thread, but actually an attempt to address something that has been increasingly getting on my nerves...
Ddiolch 'ch , 'm Groegwr chyfaill
I would actually appreciate a proper answer to this, especially in light of Ming's Chicago meet antics of the other day...
Please kindly discuss this without immediately resorting to closing the thread out of hand.
This isn't a spam thread, but actually an attempt to address something that has been increasingly getting on my nerves...
Ddiolch 'ch , 'm Groegwr chyfaill
