Originally posted by Locutus
Forgive my ignorance, but since CFC is still down I can't look it up, but what's a Training Day game? It sounds interesting, if that's true and it's suitable for CtP1/2, I might set one up here
Forgive my ignorance, but since CFC is still down I can't look it up, but what's a Training Day game? It sounds interesting, if that's true and it's suitable for CtP1/2, I might set one up here

The idea is to help people new to Succession Games become better and more consistent in their play, to provide a better "stable" of players. They are also used just to help newbies learn how to play better. The "trainer" doesn't usually play, but instead critiques the trainee players' moves, and explains what they can do to improve their game.
Sboog, for instance, is playing in a Chieftain TDG, designed to help folks understand the game mechanics better, and how to play in a winning style.

I think that Chieftain TDG is the only one currently active, but LKendter has one running to teach proper city placement considerations.
You're welcome to have a look at them when CFC is back up.
