Originally posted by Gramphos
The power you have is to buy or not to buy. However, your opinion on the game might have impact on others. You can probably make a friend to think that a game, of which he knows nothing about, is good, and you can also make him think it is bad. All you have to do is to convince him that you know what you are talking about.
However, on this site most people already have their opinion, and it is mush harder to change an opinion then it is to create a new opinion. The result of trying to affect people with a strong opinion of something can either be that you make them move slightly towards your opinion, or that they think your opinion is so wrong that they will get more stuck to their own. Whatever the case is the effect is small.
Also a company can't create a game as one person wants it. They need to make it in a way that as many people as possible are willing to pay for it.
The power you have is to buy or not to buy. However, your opinion on the game might have impact on others. You can probably make a friend to think that a game, of which he knows nothing about, is good, and you can also make him think it is bad. All you have to do is to convince him that you know what you are talking about.
However, on this site most people already have their opinion, and it is mush harder to change an opinion then it is to create a new opinion. The result of trying to affect people with a strong opinion of something can either be that you make them move slightly towards your opinion, or that they think your opinion is so wrong that they will get more stuck to their own. Whatever the case is the effect is small.
Also a company can't create a game as one person wants it. They need to make it in a way that as many people as possible are willing to pay for it.