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  • #31
    Originally posted by Asher

    There is no solution to the problem. Opera is buggy, Opera is stalling on some code. Not Apolyton's problem. You can't seriously expect them to pour over every single line of code and change it in hopes of making it so Opera doesn't freeze, when a very very small minority use the browser?

    There's no point in whining about it here.
    All problems has a solution

    I don't expect them to change one line of code, and I don't believe I have asked for anything like that. I was enquiring if anyone else had this problem and if they knew how to fix it/avoid it. If you call that whining, then we have a very different definition of said word.

    Btw, since you obviously have nothing to contribute to this thread feel free to stop posting in it at any time.
    We are the apt, you will be packaged.


    • #32
      I tried connecting with Opera today, but thought Poly was just slow and that's why it didn't come up.

      I would have used IE, but I had to reinstall my W98 partition and IE won't start for the first time without a modem
      Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


      • #33
        Originally posted by DrSpike
        If there was a world championship for missing the point...........
        Just ignore him, after all it's Glonk... If the Big Guy says something, it immediately becomes the Word of Law...

        Glonk, remember the blink/marquee situation? F..k M$! (and the $ is on purpose)
        Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
        And notifying the next of kin
        Once again...


        • #34
          Originally posted by Yog-Sothoth
          All problems has a solution
          Do solve the problem of wars.

          I don't expect them to change one line of code, and I don't believe I have asked for anything like that. I was enquiring if anyone else had this problem and if they knew how to fix it/avoid it. If you call that whining, then we have a very different definition of said word.
          So if the point was to see if other Opera users are experiencing the same thing, you have confirmed it. So therefore this thread has no point anymore, and it's not considered threadjacking to take it to a general direction of talking about Opera and its ideals.

          Just ignore him, after all it's Glonk... If the Big Guy says something, it immediately becomes the Word of Law...
          What're you talking about?
          The Big Guy is saying nothing (I assume you're talking Gates?). Gates isn't even the Big Guy anymore, it's Ballmer. But that's not the point.

          I'm talking logic. People continue to insist that the W3C are standards, when they are indeed <em>standards</em> but not <em>the standard</em>. Many people have issues with that.

          Glonk, remember the blink/marquee situation? F..k M$! (and the $ is on purpose)
          Yeah. Blink was an annoying attribute that served no purpose whatsoever but to annoy people, Marquee had valid uses like stock tickers. MS added Marquee, NS added blink. Go figure.
          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • #35
            Originally posted by Asher

            Do solve the problem of wars.

            So if the point was to see if other Opera users are experiencing the same thing, you have confirmed it. So therefore this thread has no point anymore, and it's not considered threadjacking to take it to a general direction of talking about Opera and its ideals.
            This thread is about identifying who has the problem and if there is possible to fix it. A solution have not yet found been found, so I do indeed consider it threadjacking, so stop whining about it You thinking there is no solution is of no matter. I can hardly believe you want a serious discussion about Opera anyway


            I have posted about this on the opera forums some loaded this site fine and some didn't, so it seems there is a little more to it than just Opera not being able to render this site. I will post more when I get more replyes.
            We are the apt, you will be packaged.

