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A question for any Brits out there

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  • #16
    Now I understand... you're referring to me comparing your posts with mine... oh well...


    • #17
      To be honest, this thread would probably have been thrown into the OT long ago had any of the mods noticed it...
      Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ecthelion
        Oh well, it is all a question of the viewpoint... I, for example, am famous for being utterly indifferent about post count, whereas Rasputin is known as the biggest spammer and flooder in favor of post count on the board....

        I basically agree with Rogan Josh. Once we had a poll about abolishing post counts. I voted for abolition.
        Hey so did I !!! We are very similar
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #19
          I don't know, the whole post count concept makes me feel so

          If I have a high post count, I'm happy, yet striving for an even higher one.

          When I'm punished, I feel cut into my legs.

          When I get the feeling of having a low post count (as in lower than someone else or 'lower than I deserve'), I strive for a higher one...

          So I'm always feeling bad and striving upwards, no matter what the situaiton is like... without post counts, the whole community would be way more relaxed...

          And Mark... a reply like "Oh, I'll assist you and take 10% of your burden away " wouldn't be so witty, since I have now taken the idea away


          • #20
            Re: A question for any Brits out there

            Attempting to avoid the threadjack

            Originally posted by The Rook
            I am axiously waiting for my copy of Civ3 and obviously it has my mind wandering. I started thinking about great civilizations and what it was that made them great. Everyone knows the old saying that in the height of Britian's Empire, the sun never set on British soil. Though, Great Britian's territories aren't as far stretched as they once were, she is still a world power today. I am curious though about a few things.

            1) What is the relation with Canada and Britian today? The Queen still appears on Canadian coins, but Canada is it's own country correct? I mean what does Britian gain from Canada if anything? Is this the same for the other countries that used to be British states like Australia, the Bahamas etc?
            Canada is a friendly independant country. We maintain good relations as a result of our former history. Same with Australia. The commonwealth used to me the major trading partner of the UK but it is now Europe. Despite this countries still with to retain ties and the commonwealth is a useful vehicle for this.

            2) What is Great Britian's territory today? Is it just the British Isles? Where does Britian get it's natural resources? It doesn't seem their could be much in Britian. In other words, it is easy to see where America gets its wealth. Great Britian itself is such a small place, but it is very wealthy.
            The UK is mostly the mainland and Northern Ireland. Britain maintains a few colonies, Turks and Caicos, Montserrat, St Helena and enormous chunk of the Indian Ocean where no-one lives, Gibraltar etc. mostly these are scraps from the Empire that lack either the economy or the inclination to be independant. With the exception of the Indian Ocean & 1/8 of Antartica(where no-one lives) these places are all self-governing.

            You may find the following document on the relationship between Britain and its colonies useful

            3) What was that Falkland thing all about? Such small little islands. Was it just a matter of not wanting to be pushed around, or do those islands have some value to them?
            Oil. The Falklands is believed to have alot of oil around it. There is some truth about the wish to ensure self-determination but we musn't forget that Thatcher was desperately unpopular and needed something to revive her fortunes at the time.

            Sorry for the questions, I am just looking for ways to pass time until Civ3 gets here.

            Thank you


            • #21
              Oh yes. You bunch of spammers can go back to threadjacking this.


              • #22
                Wouldn't it be great to see Ecthelion: Settler.

                Anyway, that was a good post by Gasmaske.

                Whoever mentioned the thread about post counts, I'm going to create it now.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Infatuation
                  You might like to look at the recent example of Hong Kong. We won't keep colonies if we're not wanted and needed.
                  Did the people of Hong Kong really want to be under Chinese rule?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Infatuation
                    Wouldn't it be great to see Ecthelion: Settler.

                    Anyway, that was a good post by Gasmaske.

                    Whoever mentioned the thread about post counts, I'm going to create it now.

