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What's this thing with these childish mods ?

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  • What's this thing with these childish mods ?

    MichealTheGreat: Defensorfidei: You're still banned as CivNation. Of course, I'm sure you knew that, or you wouldn't have created a new DL to get around the restriction.

    See you when CivNation is unrestricted, which is July 12, IIRC.

    Vaya con Dios.
    There comes another MOd into a discussion he's not involved in, just to destroy the discussion again !

    We didn't got any good answers on the CN banning, but the mods continue and act this childish way.
    Again, didn't you guys really not learn anything from black saturday ?

    The arrogant way mods claim that they're infallable (not by words but by acts) makes me sick. There are no good arguments but the "I said so thus you should" ones.

    The point to CN has been made.
    If you don't say things that are allowed by mods, shut up.
    CN has learned his lessons (and got banned eventhough)
    didn't show up for one week, but saw that we were debating while he couldn't react. Of course he made a DL. He had to defend his opinion against MUCH people.

    And of course it's easy to get into a discussion, to not add any usefull word to the discussion, but just remove one of the sites from it.

    childish childish childish.

    I 'm going to quote my text out of the other thread, since that didn't got answered, and it still seems to be applicable.

    No, I think MING didn't understand the position of CN at that moment.
    EVERYONE was against him, shouting at him how stupid he was, insulting him etc. etc. etc.
    His ideas were completely shot down by everyone.
    This made his complete identity to become silly.

    Now even one of the mods came into the thread, and this mod only warned CN !
    CivNation was a cat in problems, and couldn't do anything but post in non-offensive, non-insulting language his opinion, to defend it against everyone that's against him.

    That's acomplete normal way of reacting by people that are attacked form all sides.

    If he would have been testing MING, his post would've been more offensive, or near the border. In that case he wouldn't have posted his opinion in these clear, non-offensive and legal words.

    And THAT's the problem, he's not banned for insulting, hate post etc. etc. (he said '******' once, which isn't a valid reason to ban, since he should've have done it again then)
    he's been banned for voicing his believe
    I'm not waiting for MarkG to defend Ming and MtG.
    I understand that Markos will backup his mod, whatever they do.

    I want an explanation from Ming for his childish behavior, and from MtG for spoiling the discussion again.
    And a good description about what can be said about homosexuals, and what can't. (and for that reason why that what CN said after Ming's warning was wrong)

    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2

    I'd still like to understand how the mods are "childish" since you offer no proof in your above tirade... but what the heck, I guess you are welcome to your opinion, even if it is wrong.

    Civnation was warned to stop... he didn't... a clear violation of the rules. He was restricted.
    He then created a DL to get around a restriction... an equally clear violation of the rules... His DL was restricted. And, If he creates another DL, he will indeed have more time added to his restriction. He should be happy MtG didn't add more time on his restriction for his DL creation.

    So, what is your point again?
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Point? He's got about as much point as a broom handle.

      (That's none, for the slow-witted among us)
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
      "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
      He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


      • #4
        Re: What's this thing with these childish mods ?

        Originally posted by CyberShy
        The point to CN has been made.
        If you don't say things that are allowed by mods, shut up.
        CN has learned his lessons (and got banned eventhough)
        didn't show up for one week, but saw that we were debating while he couldn't react.
        if he had learned his lesson as you say, he would have waited for his login to be unrestricted.

        creating a DL in the middle of his "vacation" to start posting the same stuff that got him banned is hardly similar to what i consider "learning your lesson"....
        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


        • #5
          I'd say about half of the old timers here have created DL's during a restriction at least once - without the mods taking action unless it was painfully obvious. Heck, even one of the most prolific posters in the entire OT has been a DL for the past two years, which has been openly accepted by everyone including mods and admins.

          However, it seems certain rules are enforced more vigorously for some posters than for others.

          Childish? No. Inconsistent? Yes. (Best case scenario...)

          If you want to keep the flag flying high wrt DL's, you should enforce the rules equally and not just towards specially select posters.

          Will save you a lot of criticism, don't you think?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Winston
            I'd say about half of the old timers here have created DL's during a restriction at least once - without the mods taking action unless it was painfully obvious.
            unless you can prove that we knew at the time and didnt act, what you say has no base
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • #7
              Oh come on Mark.

              I just made an observation. I'm not going to name posters - I'm sure you can think of a few without my assistance...

              Double standards have always been implicit in the way DL's are dealt with. It doesn't suit the authority here when certain posters are singled out and punished for it while others are not. That's all I'm saying.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Winston
                Heck, even one of the most prolific posters in the entire OT has been a DL for the past two years, which has been openly accepted by everyone including mods and admins.

                who was that?

                I'm not here long enough to guess myself.


                Wait, don't think that!
                I'm not a DL!
                Eli Taurus Yoav and Dr. Tzuri can prove it!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Winston
                  I just made an observation. I'm not going to name posters - I'm sure you can think of a few without my assistance...
                  so you're not going to be specific, you'll post generic accusations....

                  Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                  Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
         my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                  • #10
                    What... there are some DL's here

                    But seriously Winston... When it comes to DL's... in almost every case, if we can prove it's a DL, action is taken. When somebody now registers, we do a "casual" look over.
                    If we suspect foul play, we look harder. But as you know, some DL's are impossible to prove. And frankly, unless the person gives us a reason to check them out, we generally have better things to do with our time.

                    Now I'm sure you can come up with "AN EXAMPLE"... as you know, so could I.
                    But I think you understand the reasons why a blind eye is applied in the case you are talking about. And the fact that you don't want to mention a name tells me that you do understand. For that, I say thank you
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      I don't disagree Ming, and naturally I won't name posters (well maybe just a little - see below for a harmless example ). I just think that in the case of Civnation, indeed hard and swift justice was applied to an apparent DL - while scores of others in the past have been allowed to slip past, and still are from time to time. Why is that? Don't tell me you've acted as swiftly with the Truppen des Todes for instance...


                      • #12
                        Actually... it comes down to "proof". Thinking somebody is a DL is not anything like proving it. There have been MANY cases where I JUST KNOW it has to be a DL... and I can't prove it. Without proof... For that reason, it must seem like we are inconsistant. When we have proof, we move fast and take care of it. But again, it is easy to create a DL which leaves no "trail".
                        We only catch those when the person does something stupid.
                        And as I said before, if somebody is using a DL, and doesn't attract any attention to themselves, we don't really look that hard at people who aren't causing problems
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • #13
                          The issue being raised here is that the mods treated CivNation2001 harshly. However, seeing as he's a DL, I think he's doing quite well personally.

                          Questions to consider. CivNation announced late last year that he was going away and would probably have little time to post here. Then, early this year, CivNation2001 appears.

                          Why didn't he use his old account?

                          Why has he stopped plugging the sites he used to promote mercilessly?

                          Why has he stopped inviting people to contact him and provided an e-mail address to do so?

                          Why has his entire style of writing changed?

                          Why, when he used to adopt a pitying tone on the unbelievers, does he now shriek "DEMON!!!!!" like some sort of hysterical pantomime villain?

                          Why has he stopped demonstrating his (undeniably impressive) command of biblical knowledge?

                          You tell me. I know what my own theory is.
                          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                          • #14
                            Civnation was warned to stop... he didn't... a clear violation of the rules. He was restricted.
                            He then created a DL to get around a restriction... an equally clear violation of the rules
                            If you say it that easy........... it sounds good.

                            But in fact did CivNation stop after you warned him.
                            He didn't insult gay people, he didn't use the fagg. word anymore.
                            All he did was voicing his believe, in a very non-insulting way (what you had warned him from)

                            I still don't see how the post you banned him for was against the rules. It's a post I disagree with, and for that reason I was (and I still am) debating with him.

                            The point is that it's the 8th or something time that someone gets banned when I'm in a debate with him / her.
                            It drives me completely nuts !

                            And did you read that where I quoted myself ?
                            Are you mods just 'banning-machinges' ?
                            Every parent knows that every teenager you tell to stop do this and this they'll do it once more to not lose their face, and then they stop.

                            And if you guys are that strict on the rules, then I still wonder why Eyes weren't banned when he putted a big insulting-gay message on this board few days before.
                            The discussion CN was banned from was filled with hate and discriminating quotes by MUCH people. Why only ban CN ?

                            The reply you gave MING, is the standard reply you always give in these kind of cases. You haven't answered my question.
                            You didn't told me WHAT CN said that was against your warning / rule.

                            Do you have an 'admit' mode ?
                            Or are you sure that you're infallable ?
                            Why don't you earn my respect by just saying you're wrong ?
                            Or at least give a good reaction ?

                            thanks for ruining my debate again.

                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny Questions to consider. CivNation announced late last year that he was going away and would probably have little time to post here. Then, early this year, CivNation2001 appears.

                              Why didn't he use his old account?

                              Why has he stopped plugging the sites he used to promote mercilessly?

                              Why has he stopped inviting people to contact him and provided an e-mail address to do so?

                              Why has his entire style of writing changed?

                              Why, when he used to adopt a pitying tone on the unbelievers, does he now shriek "DEMON!!!!!" like some sort of hysterical pantomime villain?

                              Why has he stopped demonstrating his (undeniably impressive) command of biblical knowledge?

                              You tell me. I know what my own theory is.
                              Maybe... he went away, was so utterly changed by his experienc that he switched social groups, site visits, changed his personality, and corresponding online personality, forgotten his bible, lost all pity and...

                              What am I saying, he's a DL, DL, DL
                              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

