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  • #16
    A nice tension breaker from all the serious debate on C3
    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


    • #17
      Absolutely wonderful!

      As others have asked... Have you published any of your work yet?
      Where might I find some? You have an almost Douglas Adams touch going on there. I loved it. It was all so sordid

      Keep up the good work!
      Semper ubi sub ubi!


      • #18
        Great article except for this line...

        Q: How did you meet Sid Meier?

        CATAPULT: Sid used me as one of the engines in Railroad Tycoon 2.
        I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that Sid did the first RRTycoon, with PopTop or some other company doing the second game.

        I just wanted to point out my one concern with the column.
        About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


        • #19
          As others have asked... Have you published any of your work yet? Where might I find some? You have an almost Douglas Adams touch going on there.
          Well, that's what they call high cotton! To the question what else have I published -- I'm in the process of publishing my first book, a very different type of fiction. But one of my most favorite things to do is to write an Apolyton column for absolutely no compensation other than your great reactions. I'm a Civ nut, no apologies. Been coming here for years. Great, great site for a great, great game...

          And to the person who thought it was a pointless article, really I couldn't agree more. Shamefully pointless. But who are we two against so many? Thanks for the feedback!


          • #20
            Hats off to you, sir. A fitting adornment to the great game - and I can see you will appreciate how high a praise that is.

            In fact, if you don't mind my saying so, I think the idea would sustain a short series - and that the advertising/promotional guys at Firaxis would show interest. Might be worth sending them a copy to see whether I'm right.

            If I am, my fee is a copy of your book, once published. In case I'm not PM me with the title and publisher. Suspect the other posters would be glad of that too.

