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Bug: Light view - quote

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  • Bug: Light view - quote

    Hi MarkG and DanQ,
    If you look with Netscape at a message which has a quote in it, the font size get's bigger after the quote. I guess that one <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="2"> attribute is missing in the code.

    Nothing serious, but perfect is better


    This is still OK
    But, now the font size is bigger when using Netscape.

    Tested with both Explorer 5 and Netscape 4.74 on default and light view:
    This is a Netscape problem that occours with default and light views.
    Last edited by Jeje2; May 30, 2001, 09:35.

  • #2
    Argh. People still use Netscape 4.x?
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #3
      Originally posted by Glonk
      Argh. People still use Netscape 4.x?

      Some of us were surfing the net, when others still used diapers...

      I have learnt surfing with Netscape, like many of my collegs, and thus prefer using Netscape. (It has it's advantages over IE too) I know that most people use IE, also my younger collegs use IE, but I prefer NN. (Wanna argue about taste?)

      I do myself webpages every now and then. I allways check the result with both NN and IE. (And I should also start to use Opera in checking) Apereantly MarkG too want's to have a very good site and with my little experience in MS ASP, I try to help him. And in this case the problem should be quite easily corrected. (Well, if one can say that there are any easy problems with coding )

      So yes, there are Netscape users out here. (And if you wan't to continue debating about which browser, please start a thread in the OT-forum. This isn't the right place.)


      • #4
        how about now?
        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


        • #5
          Originally posted by MarkG
          how about now?
          Nope, still wrong.
          Take a look for yourself. Here is a screencapture attached

          If you look at scource you see were quote ends:

          &lt;BR&gt;&lt;img src=/b.gif width=100% height=1&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;&lt;/center&gt;&lt;norm

          Shouldn't the <i>norm</i> tag be closed?
          Attached Files


          • #6
            it should be ok now. the replacement code for the quote tag was over the internal limit.....
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • #7
              Problem fixed - new problem

              now the code is OK after the quote, but try to sit calmly in your chair. The problem wasn't after the quote, it was and still is before the quote all the time. Since this is now in size 1 for some reason and I think it should be size 2.


              Originally posted by MarkG
              it should be ok now. the replacement code for the quote tag was over the internal limit.....
              This text has size 2, as should be.
              Hope you can find the problem.
              Source code has four tables inside one another, so locating problem not so easy.

              => I was correct, there aren't any easy code-problems. Sorry MarkG for false information earlier.


              • #8
                Here is a screencapture of my previous post seen with Netscape Navigator 4.74

                Look at font sizes before and after quote.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Problem solved - I think

                  I just saved this page on my own CPU and tried to fix the problem by looking into the html-tag code.

                  Now I think I found finally what is the problem.
                  (And currently I'm banging my head in the wall for not noticing it earlier. )
                  To remind: The problem is that Netscape shows the text before a quote in size=1, when it should be size=2.

                  OK, the problem is located in the beginning of post-script.

                  Currently it is something like:
                  (I have in Italics the text taken from database or something)

                  &lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD colspan=3 nowrap valign=top&gt;

                  &lt;font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1" &gt;&lt;b&gt;<i>Post topic is put here</i>&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;


                  &lt;p&gt;&lt;font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2" &gt;<i>Here comes the content of message</i>


                  The problem the paragraph starter <b>&lt;p&gt;</b>.
                  I think the reason for putting the paragraph marker is to create a vertical gap (= empty line) between topic and beginnig of message content.
                  So , please use line-breaker <b>&lt;br&gt;</b> or create an empty paragraph <b>&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</b>

                  By removing it from the script the output is OK.

                  MarkG: Could you be so kind and test is this solves the problem Netscape. (And it is in both Default and Light Views)

                  I also checked with MS Internet Explorer 5 and it's lookout stays the same, well the empty line of course - so you can do this change quite safely, i think

                  And while at it, you could also add <b>&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;</b> after the post topic before closing of table. It doesn't cause problems like now, but by putting those two tags the source code is more according to the html-specks.

                  Thank you for listening to me MarkG.
                  Last edited by Jeje2; June 2, 2001, 06:29.


                  • #10
                    MarkG: notice the corrections in my previous post

                    Personal opinion:
                    I would use the line-breaker <b>&lt;br&gt;</b>, with a paragraph ther gap get's quite big.

                    But this is my personal opinion, nothing more.


                    • #11
                      I have the exact opposite problem, when text appears bellow a quote it is mych smaller than the one above the quote.
                      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Henrik
                        I have the exact opposite problem, when text appears bellow a quote it is mych smaller than the one above the quote.

                        OK, since I'm the orign to this. Let's see if I can help.
                        Could you cindly give following information
                        - Which browser and version
                        - Which style you use to view these pages
                        - Operating system

                        A screencapture, would be terrific if you can produce here.

                        I would like to be able to reproduce your problem myself, becouse then it's easier for me to try to solve the problem.


                        • #13
                          I use Netscape Communicator 4.7
                          I'm not using the "light" style
                          My operating system is Mac OS 9.0.4

                          Screenshot of an earlier post of yours:

                          Oops I attached the wrong screenshot
                          I will fix it.
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #14
                            This screenshot will do:
                            Attached Files
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • #15
                              I locked at both pictures and here are my comments:
                              1. The font size under writers name should be smaller (size = 1)
                              2. Font size in post topic same as in post text. It is suppose to be smaller in topic. (Like I see it)
                              3. the text quote: is too big as is who one are quoting.
                              4. Text after quote is like you say smaller than should be
                              5. Last edited is too big again.

                              So we have quite many problems. I almost think that the last text is only in right size and to rest the font descriptions don't apply in your browser. Unfourtanately I don't have access to a MAC so debugging is also quite hard.

                              When comparing to the size of smileys it looks that the size is correct before quote

