The last attempt to start the Movement had a short run but then faded away, so it must be started again!
Apolyton has one of the most heirarchial boards anywhere on the Internet! Let's take a look at some of the problems with the situation. Feel free to add more if you want, and also let's here what you say with the poll!

-Mass bannings as a result
-Waste of forum bandwidth resources
-Waste of user's time

-Possibly deters newcomers
-Encourages newcomers to spam
-Requires additional forum rules like no emperor-only threads, etc

-Eurocentric (Anglocentric?)
-Male only

-Encourages more spamming (See #1)
-Focuses people on OT forum instead of actual civ forums
The answer?
the PCDM- make everyone a citizen. Equal rights for all! I don't consider some of those "Deitys" to be deserving of their title, and I'll bet a good chunk of the forum doesn't either.