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The ******** of banning the area25ers

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  • The ******** of banning the area25ers


    This is all rather silly, I mean the people there only upped their post counts by around 100 each so that's all they should be reduced by. I've been lurking there since someone told me about it and I was scared to post in case this happened but anyway, my opinions:-
    Just close the forum and unban the posters. it's terribly unfair to ban them for something that isn't really discussed much in the FAQ. If punishments are going to be severe then the FAQ should be adjusted. The FAQ gives guidelines for how posters behave, and lest we forget, for how moderators behave too.
    All-in-all the posters haven't done much wrong. They just found an empty forum and used it for their own ends without causing any harm to anyone else. That they kept their spam away from the off-topic is quite admirable I think, as a lurker.
    Release the Area 25ers!

  • #2
    if you were a real person and not a Nimrod/Dookie/Warning DL I would reply on the subject....


    • #3

      Are you going to ban Lisa as well for being a DL?

      In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Post


      • #4
        already done


        • #5
          180 day banning for all those in question MarkG. Be firm!


          • #6
            I suspect you're a D/L too JETw - of someone who likes likes funny names. You only show up at certain times.


            • #7
              I only show up at certain times as I can only post when I am at work. I have no computer at home and, in any case, I have other things to do in the evenings.

              You are entitled to your view as I know I am real and went through that nonsense when I first registered here. I wonder why those are grounds for accusing me?

              In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Post
              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Jesus Egg that Wept (edited October 04, 2000).]</font>


              • #8
                "someone who likes funny names"

                This from a poster called Alexander's Horse!

                In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Post


                • #9
                  Is that not kinda like fascism for not allowing people to say what they want?


                  Thomas Hubert
                  Acting Magistrate of People's United Republic (PUR)
                  don't explain, i understand
                  Thomas Hubert
                  Acting Magistrate of People's United Republic (PUR)
                  don't explain, i understand


                  • #10
                    The blanket accusation of DL seems to be common around here. It appears to be commonly used to dismiss the viewpoints of others.

                    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Post


                    • #11

                      Darn it. The "extra" forum has been deleted now. I wanted to read some of that stuff again, the better to understand the sentences when they are handed down. I know that it's not the coolest stuff to have lying around on the server, but:

                      Mark, Dan, Ming....if the sentences result in an uproar (as such sentences have been known to do in the past), is it wise to have deleted the evidence so soon - e.g. before more people have had a chance to read what it's all about? I know that you have handled such uproars before, but it seems to me that you would save yourselves a lot of work by just leaving the stuff there for all to see.

                      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                      • #12
                        Well most of it was boring spam, as can be expected. But I enjoyed trawling through it this morning. Pity it wasn't just changed to 'read only'.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Can we have a trial?
                            With the Admin. as the panel of judges?
                            defendants mouthpieces,

                            Could they get life or be tried as minors?

                            This could beat the OJ trial.


                            King of Cou-Rouge
                            Manor Arwennick


                            • #15
                              Could someone please explain what this is all about? All I know is the (probably biased) views of those who were restricted, as revealed on other forums.

                              One year at Apolyton with the same username and location!

