Wouldn't that be because you are ranked below Rasputin?
I am of the belief that a huge postcount is not a matter of pride, nor is it a matter of shame. What is a matter of shame however is posting purely for the sake of increasing one's postcount. These threads are, to be brutally honest, nothing more than postcount masterbation. Posting about posting. Posting to say one has 100 posts, posting to say soon you'll have 102 posts, posting that one now has 102 posts.
Threads such as this serve no good purpose but a number of bad ones :
- The glorification of postcount.
- The confusion created in people's minds between heavy posting and blatant spamming.
- Pushing posters forward into the public eye simply because they contribute a lot to the forum.
- Making Deity and Emperor some great Holy Grail to be persued.
Sorry, but I'm not impressed by someone who can post...
lol yeah i agre ewith waht yo uare saying!!1!
Now I don't want this to be seen as a personal attack on Ras, as he is only the public face of a growing phenomon of "Psuedo-On-Topic Spam" - I'm sure I don't need to elaborate. I hate to complain, but I for one have only a limited patience for such things. I just don't want to read it. Some of you will know what I mean if I were to mention "stylish spam" - and that I will not complain about, however off-tpoic, it is at least entertaining to read, and has a place on every forum. I'm complaining about posts designed for the postcount to be boosted.
I'm sure I'm going out on a line here, as I have recently (very publically and without my requesting it) been demonstrated to post rather frequently. I imagine a few "Pot/Kettle/Black" comments are already forming on people's keyboards as they read this, to be honest.
But before you call me hypocritical, stop. Am I spamming? Or am I posting? I think those who know me realise what I mean.
So, in answer to Spiffor's original comment - better to be ranked below than above, eh?
The question is : Is posting a lot something to be rewarded with a fancy title?
[edited for content/less rudeness]