I know squat about PHP code, but I am helping a friend clean up a brand new site he just launched. I am wondering if it is possible to discuss PHP code changes, or if that is a hush hush liscencing type of thing. Basically I know a few sites that have obviously changed some things, and I am wondering if I can tell my friend how to achieve simmilar things. If it is possible, then I will ask some questions thereafter. Thanks.
I know squat about PHP code, but I am helping a friend clean up a brand new site he just launched. I am wondering if it is possible to discuss PHP code changes, or if that is a hush hush liscencing type of thing. Basically I know a few sites that have obviously changed some things, and I am wondering if I can tell my friend how to achieve simmilar things. If it is possible, then I will ask some questions thereafter. Thanks.