For the first time in a long time I tried to listen to ACSR again this evening but without much luck: the sound of DanQ reading the news is very poor: very soft (even with the volume buttons at max I can only barely hear it) and very muffled (for lack of a better word). It's like there's a sock over the mike or something...
Oddly enough the intro and outro play just fine (including the part where Dan talks: 'Thank you for listening, blah, blah').
I used to enjoy listening to ASCR, but can't anymore. Anyone else having this problem? Anyone know a solution? (Dan, clean up your socks, will ya!?
Oddly enough the intro and outro play just fine (including the part where Dan talks: 'Thank you for listening, blah, blah').
I used to enjoy listening to ASCR, but can't anymore. Anyone else having this problem? Anyone know a solution? (Dan, clean up your socks, will ya!?
