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OFFICIAL - Volunteer signup!

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  • OFFICIAL - Volunteer signup!

    The Apolyton Convention not only need your attendance at the convention, we also need a stable of volunteers to help plan and do the things that need doing to make this convention the success Mark and Dan deserve. Short-timers as well as long-timers – if you can donate an hour or three at the convention, a couple of hours per week before the convention, anything, it will be greatly appreciated.

    For starters, we need to form a Convention Committee, a group of 3-5 people who will be involved most heavily in the planning of the convention – the committee will investigate meeting places, golfing locations, arrange dates and time with the people of Big Huge Games and Firaxis. People in the committee can expect to spend a growing amount of time to the convention, culminating in a 48-72 hour period of frenzy, golfing, work, Civilization, and exhaustion.

    We’ll also need people to do various tasks, both before and during the convention, tasks taking from 1 hour to… whatever. We’ll need a number of somebodies to man the sign-up booth the Friday and Saturday it’s open, we’ll need somebody to design a logo and possibly throw together and maintain a web page, we’ll need other people for other small tasks. Most of the things that need doing the committee members can do, but other people have special talents and might want to lend them to the cause. On other tasks, the committee just doesn’t have the manpower to do by itself (booths, possible drivers, etc) and we will need help.

    Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

    Well… it can be. You’ll have been an integral part to putting something a little special, a little out-of-the-ordinary together. You’ll meet and talk to all sorts of people you would not have met before, do things that you’ve never done before… hell, at the end, Sid and Brian will likely call you by your first name. You’ll also gain contacts in a number of industries (including the PC game industry) and have something substantial to discuss when an interviewer asks “Tell me about a time in which you have worked in a group setting to accomplish a specific goal?”

    But most importantly, you’ll do something different, something you’ll remember for the rest of your lives. Anybody can not do a convention, not doing anything is the easiest thing in the world. But working to put together a convention of Civilization fans? Fun?

    Naw… It’ll be a freakin’ blast, trust me. In time, you’ll be glad to have helped.

    So, respond to this thread, let us know if you’re interested in doing anything for the convention, if you’re willing to do something @ home or at the convention itself. It could very well be that we might never call on your services (and I’ll never ask you to do that which you can’t handle (but don’t volunteer for something you can’t handle, either!)), but if you’re willing to do anything, please let me know.

  • #2
    I have met Apolytoners before. Have you?


    • #3
      Er... yes.


      • #4
        Well, I can help out in some of the planning stages with local contacts, etc, and I'll of course be on-hand for the actual convention to help out as well!
        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


        • #5
          Double sweet.


          • #6
            Committee requirements

            The convention committee will be a 3 or 5 person body charged with organizing, promoting, and running ApolyCon 2006 to be held in the three-day period of July 14th-17th 2006. An odd number of members is preferable as it disallows for any tiebreakers.

            The Committee will be broken up into 5 separate functions (functions might change over time as this list is the result of mere brainstorming):

            1. Organizer – Responsible for overall organization of the convention and committee, including the set up and reservation of hotels, the securing of guests. The organizer will act as the head of the Committee
            2. Promotions and Materials.
            3. Treasurer
            4. Local (Baltimore) Contact
            5. A person with contacts to BHG and Firaxis, perhaps even a representative from Firaxis and BHG each.

            There might be a possibility that we can combine functions: that the Baltimore contact might serve as Treasurer, or the BHG/Firaxis contact is also our local contact, making the committee as small as three people. But I prefer five as we will undoubtedly find enough tasks for us to do.

            All members of the committee must commit to the convention and stay at the hotel (except for the local members), and at least 3 members of the committee should arrive 1-2 days prior to the start date as to allow ourselves set-up time (to save money, you don’t have to stay at the hotel prior to Friday night. We might even crash in Ozzy’s car! ). Excepting perhaps a group photo with Sid and/or Brian, Committee members will not be paid for their services, and they must pay their own way to and through the convention (other than Dan or Mark).

            Things that the committee will need to do prior to the convention:

            1. Develop and finalize budgets, timelines, agendas, processes.
            2. Prepare an official proposal to Sid and Brian (or Firaxis and Big Huge Games), detailing our agenda, what we hope they can participate in. This proposal will likely be negotiated between the committee and the two companies, culminating in a signed agreement. This should be done by December, January 1st at the latest.
            3. Review potential meeting sites, keeping a careful eye towards cost, utility, and location. Prepare an official RFQ, detailing who we are, how many will attend, how many rooms we will need (both estimates), etc. Again, the committee will have to prepare an agreement to sign with the hotel, the agreement detailing the number of people expected, # of hotel rooms expected rented, what we want from them in regards to planning, the banquet, set up of the workshop rooms, etc.
            4. Conceptualize and recruit leaders for workshops/panels.
            5. Collect revenues through Apolyton’s PayPal account. Convention fees, golf fees, banquet ticket purchases, and proceeds from the bidding out the Sid/Brian golf foursomes will all be collected by the committee, the monies used to pay for meeting rooms, golfing fees, the banquet, and other miscellaneous costs.
            6. Develop an online registration and payment process.
            7. Set up the golfing expedition, including reserving of tee times, payment of fees, etc.
            8. Develop a program for the banquet.
            9. Constantly promote and be involved in the convention, even to the point of “hiring” volunteers for specific tasks. Activity excites people – period.
            10. Other duties, as they come up.

            During the convention, committee members will be asked to assist in whatever needs doing – we each need to take a turn at the registration booth, for example, and we’ll have to deal with hotel personnel and management when (not if) problems arise. I’ll take care of most things myself, but some times duty will call.

            And don’t worry about missing your favorite panel or workshop – we’ll work it out who finds what absolutely un-missable and schedule accordingly.
            Last edited by JohnT; October 17, 2005, 00:36.


            • #7
              Ok, I can put in some time, but probably not committee stuff. Though I have no artistic ability (ie, no designing logo). I guess I could do some sign in booth crap for a little bit or something and other stuff needed.
              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


              • #8
                Appreciate your volunteering for "booth crap", Imran.


                • #9
                  Assuming I can make it (by no means a certainty, but I do want to come), I'd like to help out on setting up a realtime MP demogame. Wouldn't mind speaking on a panel about demogames as well
         - After Our Time - Six to Start


                  • #10
                    Great, Adrian, especially about the panel! I'll make it "tentative", but... when do you think you can fully commit? January? March? June?


                    • #11

                      I am pleased to announce that Zopperoni has agreed to serve on the Committee, arranging all PR and promotional activities. Any of you who are interested in writing copy, taking pictures or film, designing logos and writing slogans drop a pm/post and ask Zop if he needs any help. He'll either grind you down under his cruel whip immediately, or put you on The List in case you're needed later. When you hear a pounding on your door at 2:00am - that's Zopperoni.

                      Again, thank you Zopperoni!


                      • #12
                        March at the latest, I would think. Possibly much earlier. The perfect thing would be to make it part of another trip to the states at the same time I design alternate reality games, so if there are any games conferences on at the same time (or Firaxis suddenly decide they want to work on one) then it'd be easy to get over. Otherwise I'd just take a holiday, which is fine as well.
               - After Our Time - Six to Start


                        • #13
                          Re: Committee requirements

                          Originally posted by JohnT
                          The Committee will be broken up into 5 separate functions (functions might change over time as this list is the result of mere brainstorming):

                          1. Organizer – Responsible for overall organization of the convention and committee, including the set up and reservation of hotels, the securing of guests. The organizer will act as the head of the Committee
                          2. Promotions and Materials.
                          3. Treasurer
                          4. Local (Baltimore) Contact
                          5. A person with contacts to BHG and Firaxis, perhaps even a representative from Firaxis and BHG each.
                          I know 'poly isn't a democracy, but I vote JohnT for 1.
                          I can't come, but would love to help however I can. Language and figures are my media, so if Zopp wants people to write press releases, or if you need someone to check the sums for the accounts, then ask me.
                          I'll be busy(ish) next month with revising for accountancy exams, but am willing to give as much free time as I can spare.


                          • #14
                            Re: Committee requirements

                            Originally posted by JohnT
                            All members of the committee must commit to the convention and stay at the hotel (except for the local members), and at least 3 members of the committee should arrive 1-2 days prior to the start date as to allow ourselves set-up time (to save money, you don’t have to stay at the hotel prior to Friday night. We might even crash in Ozzy’s car! ).

                            Ozzy, if you are up to ferrying people around in that thing, we might work a bit on lowering/eliminating that fee for ya.

                            However, if the price of gas doesn't plummet to $.75/gallon by next July, you'll likely do better cost-wise by just attending and let the other people fend for themselves.
                            I'm down
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JohnT
                              Appreciate your volunteering for "booth crap", Imran.
                              "Sign In
                              Our Convention is Backed by Nuclear Weapons"

                              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

