To keep things clear, let's keep a summary of things already decided.
Things already decided:
The game rules will be:
Higher Goal: Allow victory by transcendance: YES
Total War: Allow victory by conquest: YES
Mine, all Mine: Allow Economic Victory: YES
Peace in Our Time: Allow Diplomatic Victory: YES
One for all: Allow cooperative victory : YES
Do or Die: Don't restart eliminated players : YES
Look First: Flexible starting locations : YES
Tech Stagnation: Slower research rate : NO
Spoils of War: steal tech when conquer base : NO
Blind Research: Cannot set precise reseach goals : NO
Intense Rivalry: Opponents more aggressive : NO
No unity survey: World map not visible : YES
No unity scattering: Unity pods only at landing site : NO
Bell Curve: No random events : NO
Randomize Faction Leader Social Agendas: NO
Randomize Faction Leader Personalities: NO
Alphax.txt modifications:
1. Air power should be retarded (eg smaller movement): YES!
2. Artillery bombardment should be made more lethal over its original configuration: YES!
3. You should be able to build Sea Sensors: YES!
4. You should be able to build sea boreholes. Their prerequisite should be Nanometallurgy: YES!
5. The AI's should build Cruiser Probeships with the advent of Doc: Init: YES!
6. The “Deep Pressure Hull” ability should be made available with Doc: Init: YES!
7. The “Carrier Deck” ability should be made available with Doc: AP: YES!
Under review:
Still to be discussed and/or polled:
Things already decided:
- The game will be with a single human team vs AI with upgrades to make for a challenge.
- We will use SMAX.
- We will play the Human Hive.
- The cost of maritime units will be reduced (also of IoD and Sealurk).
- All factions will be modified to have the aquatic ability. Possible faction sets modified with the aquatic ability are here and here.
- But most factions (we one of them) will start on land.
- The map should have 70 to 90% Ocean.
- There should be some strings of long narrow islands that divide the map into a few distinct oceans, with "panamacanal" sites where cities can be built to function as canals between seas.
- The difficulty level will be Transcend.
- The map size will be large.
- Darsnan will be our glorious CMN.
- AI factions can be decided by Darsnan.
- We hope Darsnan can give us a surprise.
The game rules will be:
Higher Goal: Allow victory by transcendance: YES
Total War: Allow victory by conquest: YES
Mine, all Mine: Allow Economic Victory: YES
Peace in Our Time: Allow Diplomatic Victory: YES
One for all: Allow cooperative victory : YES
Do or Die: Don't restart eliminated players : YES
Look First: Flexible starting locations : YES
Tech Stagnation: Slower research rate : NO
Spoils of War: steal tech when conquer base : NO
Blind Research: Cannot set precise reseach goals : NO
Intense Rivalry: Opponents more aggressive : NO
No unity survey: World map not visible : YES
No unity scattering: Unity pods only at landing site : NO
Bell Curve: No random events : NO
Randomize Faction Leader Social Agendas: NO
Randomize Faction Leader Personalities: NO
Alphax.txt modifications:
1. Air power should be retarded (eg smaller movement): YES!
2. Artillery bombardment should be made more lethal over its original configuration: YES!
3. You should be able to build Sea Sensors: YES!
4. You should be able to build sea boreholes. Their prerequisite should be Nanometallurgy: YES!
5. The AI's should build Cruiser Probeships with the advent of Doc: Init: YES!
6. The “Deep Pressure Hull” ability should be made available with Doc: Init: YES!
7. The “Carrier Deck” ability should be made available with Doc: AP: YES!
Under review:
- Coup system, constitution etcetera
- Game bugs, exploits and features
- What AI factions will participate?
Still to be discussed and/or polled: