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Turns of SMACDatAss

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  • #16
    Ok, I'll grin and bear it...
    Play hangman.


    • #17
      If it makes you feel better, I'm on a small island with no expansion room as well.


      • #18
        Turn 2132 sent to gaians.

        ...hope that works.
        Last edited by Dynamo; May 3, 2002, 18:17.


        • #19

          Turn sent to Hive! 2132!


          • #20
            turn sent on to morgan 2132

            provost Daniel looked at the report of his factions first 32 years on planet and was not impressed. Only three cities had been founded and he'd still had no contact with the other factions, if any of them survived planetfall that is. He allowed himself to smile at the thought of miriam and her radical followers burning up in the atmosphere of planet, would be such a fitting end for one who spoke of hell as often as she did. The weather paradgram had made reforming the planets surface much easier but the orange fungus still remained a mystrey. Research had at least been going well however without any of the petty moralists to interfere his faction had been able to make discoveries that the scientists of earth would have only been able to dream about, the time had come however for him to take a more active role to ensure his factions dominance of the planet. So deciding he placed the report down on his desk and rang for his secretary. "Has the unity foil reported in from investigating the pod yet?" He asked the young woman in front of him "No sir it has not" "As soon as it does" he replided, "have them report to university base prepared to pick up an exploration team, it's time for us to find more land!" "Yes sir!" replided the secretary as she turned on her heel and walked out of the office. Zarakov caught himself watching the bob and sway of her hips as she left "no he thought I can't let anything keep me from my research, the calculus of human behavior needs to be solved, but not nessecarily today" he thought as called his secretary back into his office.


            • #21
              2132 to sparta!
              Play hangman.


              • #22
                2132 to Believers.


                • #23
                  2132 to P.K.'s
                  This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                  • #24
                    2133 sent to the Gaians.


                    • #25
                      2133 sent to Hive


                      • #26
                        2133 to University.


                        • #27
                          Wheres the turn?
                          Play hangman.


                          • #28
                            DWCole, apparently, still has it. He emailed me a couple of days ago to say he's going through graduation and things right now (?), so hopefully, he'll soon be much quicker with sending his turns off. (!).


                            • #29
                              turn sent to chaunk in the middle of final exams now soory about that will end on the 10th when grades are due (graduate on the 18th) why they need so much time between I don't know enjoy!


                              • #30
                                No worries, I was just getting a bit impatient cos all of my games except one were stalled for some reason

                                '33 to Claw
                                Play hangman.

