Originally posted by Darsnan
I know that another game(Alam al-Mithal) has stalled with smh, so I am assuming the same here. However, I have just reformatted my computer and so don't have any previous turns to verify whether 2188 was the last turn I played or not. Archaic: is 2189 the last turn you played? If not, then maybe the turn lies with me. Regardless, I'm with Archaic for once: lets not let this game die out!
I know that another game(Alam al-Mithal) has stalled with smh, so I am assuming the same here. However, I have just reformatted my computer and so don't have any previous turns to verify whether 2188 was the last turn I played or not. Archaic: is 2189 the last turn you played? If not, then maybe the turn lies with me. Regardless, I'm with Archaic for once: lets not let this game die out!