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new smac....

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  • new smac....

    Lounching new smac game :
    4 human 3 AI
    open factions-Gaians;Beliebers;Peace Keepers;University

    Original SMAC
    Waiting for players to join currently
    Settings will be discussed after somebody joins here.

    (Edited by Solver to reflect some things )
    Last edited by Solver; February 23, 2002, 15:06.
    "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye

  • #2
    Just an advise, but it's usually a bad idea to state settings before starting the game.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      why (ill be happy to learn.....)?
      "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


      • #4
        When you start a game, usually you're better off specifiying number of players and version (smac/smacx). As players looking for a game come into your thread, you'll together discuss what setting you'd like to play with.

        Youngbloods, come over here, this guy wants to play. And listen to me...

        BTW, nice to see you're from Israel.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5

          took advices-i'll be willing to change things for fun!
          "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


          • #6
            No problems. And another tip - edit your first post as the settings come. I'll edit it for you as I see it now. And don't worry, normally only you can edit your posts.
            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


            • #7
              I'd be willing to play PeaceKeepers. I can generaly do 1 turn a day, perhaps 2.

              I'd be happy to play the following-
              Medium or large world?

              Thinker level?

              Normal leavls of rain/fungas/med-large landmass

              I'm playing one other game right now (IronWood1), however, one of the players is dropping out .

              (I can play SMAX too if you want).


              • #8
                OK, I'm in. I'll take the Gaians. I can play SMAC or SMAX. Here are the settings I prefer:

                Large random map
                30-50% ocean coverage
                average clouds/erosion/native life
                transcend difficulty

                As far as rules:

                pods on
                random events on
                blind research off
                unity survey off
                look first on
                spoils of war, etc on
                tech stag. off

                my E-Mail address:


                • #9
                  Hmm, I don't like the idea of spoils of war (I think it gives too much advnatage to the attacker myself).

                  Otherwise, fine.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Comstr
                    Hmm, I don't like the idea of spoils of war (I think it gives too much advnatage to the attacker myself).
                    Yeah, so?

                    Whenever there has been conflict before as far as initial game settings are concerned, I have forwarded the approach that I learned on cross-country trips in the U.S., and that is every passenger in the car gets a vote as far as what radio station to listen to (i.e. everyone gets to forward their own opinions about how they think the game should be set up), but the driver rules the radio (i.e. this is t-ras's thread, so he has final say if there is conflict). Regardless, IMO Spoils of War moves the game along, and, sitting in the back seat, thats my vote!

                    What's yours?


                    • #11
                      we'l diside finely with all players.

                      anyway spoils of war reduce many times big gaps of technology
                      that make the game unbalanced, so i think will take it.
                      all other settings i think we'll all take the saem more or less.
                      i prefer the game acelerated-but if you realy dont i'll take it too,
                      i have both tipes allready prepered.
                      the moment we have another 2 more players i'll let you know
                      the finel settings and willll begin.

                      "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                      • #12
                        Well, I wanted another game. Count me in as Uni.
                        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                        • #13
                          so...what we have by now:

                          Darsnan(wellcome pal!)-Gaians

                          the moment we have the resting one i'll ask for your adresses an so on...
                          "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye


                          • #14
                            Greetings all!

                            I see a new game beginning, but I see no CMN as of yet.

                            Would you care to try a newbie one?

                            If any reputable CMN's would like to bump me or if anyone in the group would prefer someone else, I'll not be offended.

                            Another Roadside Attraction


                            • #15
                              i'm the "cmn" (if you mean the one in charge of game...),certenly a newbe 1.....

                              but you can joyn as player....
                              "Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye

