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AHAC1 Turn tracking thread

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  • Ok, sorry about that. Feel FREE to sell my commlink EVERYWHERE, unless someone tell's me they contacted Ironwood before I took over (Yang Only that I know off).

    Everyone else, plese delete my converstation. Sorry all for &*^ing that up . Looks like I won't be talking to anyone for a long time to come yet.


    • Comstr, You do not have my comm unless you have traded for it from the three factions that do. (Or, I suppose, some other faction that traded it from them.) The fact that your comm menu shows all the players is nothing more than the result of the following line in alpha.txt:

      1, ; If non-zero, humans can always contact each other in hotseat/email games


      • Hi all:

        Move 2124 on to Mongoose!


        Meanwhile. . . .


        The Believer Secretary of State entered Brother's office. "Sir, I have just received word from the Hive diplomatic staff that they rejected the truce which they originally offered. I have placed the armed forces on alert for possible attack!"

        Brother arose from his chair. "Well, it was not unexpected as this has happened previously as the Hive tendency thus far is saying one thing and doing another. However, this time our lands won't be taken as they will be highly defended by us and our loyal allies!"


        • 2125 sent to Darsnan


          • and so The Hive threatens us with their collusion with the unethical University!?! And they attack our terraformers!!! This broadcast is to all who value their individualism and freedom: the Hive has grown too strong, and now that they are armed with who knows what technology supplied by the university, we find ourselves at their mercy!!!!



            • Note- My email adress is right now

              The old one is out for a short time.


              • turn to comstr
                It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                • Don't worry Comstr once the council has been called, which it just has, everyone get's everyone else's Comm-Link ( but i did manage to make a quick 10 credits beforehand by selling your comm to Arborman )

                  Planetary Governor election status (Yang & Mongoose nominated):-

                  Gaians (7 votes)
                  Hive (9 votes) --- Yang
                  University (1 vote)
                  Morganites (5 votes)
                  Spartans (3)
                  Believers (4 votes)
                  Peacekeepers (8 votes)

                  Oh and if anyone not under Hive mind-control still is still paying attention to it's propaganda, the Hive Ministry of Information released this statement circa M.Y. 2125:

                  The Pious one knoweth not what the ACCEPT button on the comm-screen is for, and having not learned how to push said button after 3 years of prompting, the Chairman has finally come to the the conclusion that the leader of the faith-freaks has clearly lost his wits and wishes to make martyrs of his followers. Yang will gladly oblige him.

                  The tree-huggers have obviously been smoking too much of that fungus weed they are so fond of, their Lord of the Jungle has donned a suit suit of shining armour and dreams himself the protector of the free-world. End your association with the bible-bashers and the Hive will forgive your past crimes.

                  As for the possibly not so delusional Colonel, you will find that we
                  ARE out to get you if you continue your unprovoked onslaught against our allies, the noble Peacekeepers. You will find the Hive a worthy adversary, if you show the Commissioner no quarter - be sure you will be given none either.
                  Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
                  ---Pablo Picasso.


                  • Hi all:

                    Move 2125 on to Mongoose!


                    Meanwhile . . .


                    "Brother, the Hive news service just carried an annoucement from the Chairman. It rambled on about not agreeing to a truce." exclaimed an aid. "Don't worry about it as our nation is ready to repel and assist others who are also being threatened." responded Brother. "Besides, a truce or a treaty to the Hive is not something to honor but only to break. Thus, whether we accepted or not, the result would still be the same, namely, continued Hive aggression."


                    • 2126 sent to Darsnan.


                      • "Have you read the Behavior Sciences Report regarding Chairman Yang?"
                        "Yes, m'Lord. It very accurately predicted that Yang would shortly see through our ruse of a mindworm counter assault, and that he would return, better equipped. What are your thoughts on the other section of the report?"
                        "It is theoretical only, but considering the accuracy of the first section of the Behavior assay, it portends well! Regardless, we have bought precious time to prepare, at no cost to us militarily! Are the defenses ready?"
                        "As ready as can be expected, m'Lord. However, The Hive has already entered our outer perimter. Sensors indicate multiple units heading our way!"
                        "very well then. Let us see how accurate the second half of the report really is....."

                        Turn to John Paul Jones!


                        • '26->University

                          "Psych Profile: Protectionist
                          Exceedingly deep and powerful mind; near flawless visual and kinesthetic recall. Somewhat antisocial, security minded to the extreme, with elaborate psychological defense mechanisms against emotional entreaties. High stability and loyalty to mission indicated.
                          Driven primarily by need for security and control. Powerful will; leadership potential high but strong tendency to control and manipulate followers can result in almost cultlike following. Tolerance for pain exceedingly high; .96 on Atherholt Trauma Function Test.

                          CAUTION: Earlier psych tests show suspiciously near perfect normals along all axes. Subject may use strong will and extensive knowledge of psychiatric indicators to manipulate test results in his favor."

                          ---Dr. Anjeli Bole, U.N. Psych evaluation
                          Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
                          ---Pablo Picasso.


                          • I'm back!

                            turn to comstr
                            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                            • Turn sent to radman.

                              BoardMeeting: Morgon Industries:


                              Item 1: Shall we continue to trade with our warlike neibours, or join in on the general fun?

                              Item 2: Need to adjust inflation to account for low paying trading partners.

                              Item 3: Find out who's at war with the whom and send commuunica's asking who is willing to pay for the

                              Item 4: Planet is smaller that expected. Need to adjust assumptions.

                              Item 5: TRADE TRADE TRADE!

                              Item 6: Send message to all parties that any attack on Morgon Industries will result in econamic sactions for the rest of Planet's lifetime. Hope they heed this.


                              • Err, possible messaging error. Colonel, I beleive the Morganites may have sent the communique to the Believers rather than us.

                                Argh! Wallowing in his money I suppose. Hopefully he will relize his mistake soon and send it to us so we can proceed.
                                Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                                The worst a coat upon a coat hanger

