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Turn Tracking: IW1 (Ironwood 1)

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  • Turn Tracking: IW1 (Ironwood 1)

    This is a game of SMAX, random factions. Specifics as follows

    Map: Random, standard size, avarage everything.
    Difficulty: Thinker
    Rules: All standard except randomized personalities
    Game rules: Please don't exploit bugs.

    Me (Ironwood): Conciousness
    Aborman: University
    Comstr: Peacekeepers

    Can't think of anything else to specify (I'm a total novice at this gamestarting thing), except...

    Turn 2101 to Aberman!
    To those who understand,
    I extend my hand.
    To the doubtful I demand,
    Take me as I am.

  • #2
    I sent the turn to his old address, and it bounced back at me. Turn resent to the proper address.
    To those who understand,
    I extend my hand.
    To the doubtful I demand,
    Take me as I am.


    • #3
      Test to see of this auto reporting thignamajig works.javascript:smilie('')


      • #4
        Grr....I wnted to be informed ofjavascript:smilie('')
        Mad Banned posts, not change my password. Lets try that again


        • #5
          The beginning

          University Base constructed, research begun. We have a lot of work ahead, but the potentials are astounding. Turn sent to comstr.
          Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
          The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


          • #6
            V ERY dumb question

            Got my turn, did it, but um...Ironwood, whats your email adress?

            I sent it back to arborman to send to you, but the forums were down due to a Civ3Strike.

            Atteched is my turn.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Sorry Comstr., if you didn't get my email. 2102 sent to Aberman!
              To those who understand,
              I extend my hand.
              To the doubtful I demand,
              Take me as I am.


              • #8
                Research begun, looks like a small landmass. I have sent out scouts. Turn to comstr
                Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


                • #9
                  Turn Sent to Ironwood.

                  Hmmm..glasd I'm not the only one on a sucky landmass. Blind reasrucxh too...I hope the Pirates arn't a hunting...


                  • #10
                    I generally don't have much trouble with the Pirates until the age of Air Power. Even then, if the aliens are in, they end up being my most powerful ally (because the aliens kicked everyone elses asses).

                    As to the turn report, there's a little confusion in Comstr's turn sending. It'll be straightened out soon enough.
                    To those who understand,
                    I extend my hand.
                    To the doubtful I demand,
                    Take me as I am.


                    • #11

                      I'm at work now, the turn will be in 8 hours from now. I thought I'd saved it under a differnt name, but then it said if I saved it again it would say I had tampered with it.

                      Q- would you want to play at some point over IP for a few turns (mabye just an hour or less) if we could co-ord the time?


                      • #12
                        I'm not sure you can switch from hotseat/PBEM to IP. Besides, I have other things I have to do between turns. PBEM is ideal for me. If it gives you the tamper message (as I mentioned in my email) just ignore it. We know the circumstances. That message is just there so that nobody can reload-replay a turn excessively without being found out (for example, to try for an ideal pod pop). Just get the turn moving. My first turn in a PBEM also triggered the tamper message (I'd been given the wrong password by the GM, and had to load it multiple times before I got it to work).
                        To those who understand,
                        I extend my hand.
                        To the doubtful I demand,
                        Take me as I am.


                        • #13
                          Ok...I think I know whatr I did wrong. SMAX saved it in the SMAX dir, not the SAVE dir. Grr..

                          I HOPE I got that one right

                          (And I know I screwed up the date of the file..sorry)


                          • #14
                            Yeah, you got it right this time. That confused me a bit my first time, also. But, it's moving on.

                            2103 sent to Aborman.
                            To those who understand,
                            I extend my hand.
                            To the doubtful I demand,
                            Take me as I am.


                            • #15
                              Turn passed to Comstar.
                              Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                              The worst a coat upon a coat hanger

