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Turn Tracking: IW1 (Ironwood 1)

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  • Cool.

    So I guess you guys traded tech last turn?


    • Actually, no. We traded tech *this* turn.

      Mr. Alien Artifact enabled me to catch up and become an equal trading partner. (I'd have passed you guys *way* up if I'd cashed all my artifacts for tech, but instead, I used them to help the construction of the Virtual World.) Remember those boats? Nearly every pod they found (before the Isle) was an Artifact!

      Turn to Aborman.
      To those who understand,
      I extend my hand.
      To the doubtful I demand,
      Take me as I am.


      • Articifacts? What are those? All I've found is worms or energy. NOTHING else. Humph.


        • The Peace of Planet is being delibety and wilfly being broken by the so called and self appointed "Cononal" Santiago.

          In an effet to keep the peace and keep Planet on it's course, The United Nations has declared sanctions on the warmoungering S. The Security Council wishes to thank Chad Dawn in her effots to curb the power mad and insane disbalys from S.

          By order of Security Council Resoultion 19383.424 Subsection 24.1C, no trade, reasearch matetrials or energy is to be supplied, and is not to be conducted with S until she has seen the error of he ways and been brought back into the peaceful family of nations.

          Punative strikes will continue until S allows weapon inspectors in to make sure S can not harm the peace of Planet again.

          It is intended to allow S to keep some cities to remain a viable nation post-war negotains have been finalised.


          • Santiago

            It would appear Santiago is attempting to form an axis of evil intent on disrupting my research and life. Beware, Santiago, beware.
            Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
            The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


            • Ok, Ironwood is MIA. We need to find another player if he doesn't reappear soon. Ironwood? Are you there?
              Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
              The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


              • I sent the turn on, but find another player. I'll send him the password.
                To those who understand,
                I extend my hand.
                To the doubtful I demand,
                Take me as I am.


                • Turn done, I sent it to Ironwood in case he still want's it. I'll send it to anyone who wants it too.


                  • Hi Nick:

                    Here's the move for IW1 specifically move 2177. Hopefully your handle is Arborman otherwise I'm sending it to the wrong address



                    • Hi Nick:

                      I have anything since sending you the move! Have you got it? I am going to resend just to make sure. Let me know would you? Thanks.



                      • I didn't receive it last time for some reason, but I received it and sent it on to comstar this time. Game on.

                        I like the peaceful builder aspect of this game. It's a nice contrast to most of the other, more bloodthirsty games I am in. IE. AHAC.

                        However, I don't imagine it will last forever. Santiago is trying to stir something up.
                        Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                        The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


                        • ****Lurker Interlude****

                          Originally posted by arborman
                          I like the peaceful builder aspect of this game. It's a nice contrast to most of the other, more bloodthirsty games I am in. IE. AHAC.
                          Now if that isn't a case of the pig complaining about the mud!

                          ****End Lurker Interlude****


                          • LOL. Fair enough Mongoose, but I try to play my games in character as much as possible. That game is titled All Humans All Conflict after all. And I am playing Spartans in it. Stands to reason I'd be a bloodthirsty havoc wreaker doesn't it? This one, on the other hand, I am playing Zak, and perfectly happy to build and do my research in peace.
                            Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                            The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


                            • Turn sent to radman I hope.


                              • Hi all:

                                Move 2178 received, played and sent on to Aborman!


