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Turns of AXT056 in Apolyton PBEM Tournament

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  • Darsnan
    on to jdm just now....


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  • Hercules
    Turn 2212 to Darsnan a few days ago

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  • Blut0
    2212 sent to Hercules.

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  • johndmuller
    2212 resent to Commodore Blut0.

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  • Hercules
    Received 2211 from Commodore Bluto but not 2212.

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  • johndmuller
    2212 to Commodore Bluto.

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  • Hercules
    Just noticed this message. I wish Darsnan a speedy recovery.
    Turn 2212 to JohnD

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  • johndmuller
    Once again the air raid sirens in Yangland; apparently there were some resentments on the part of the outgoing Guv and his people.

    2211 to Commodore Bluto.

    Darsnan has asked me to play his turns in this game for a little while while he tries to recover from a lingering illness that has been bugging him. Assuming that is OK with you two, then if Herc will be so kind as to send the turn to me (presumably also to D to keep him up to speed if he cares to look in), I will undertake to play his turn in something resembling a timely fashion (part of the latest delay was attributable to consultations between D & I as it happened, so that would be reduced at least). If either of you has problems with this, just let me know and we will work out something else.

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  • Blut0
    Funny you should mention it but, I've got a full kettle of righteous indignation warming up on the stove right now!

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  • johndmuller
    I've got it now. I'm at least 1/2 done with my turn, but things have gotten quite a bit more warlike, as you will soon discover, and I've needed to rearrange a lot of things (and have been a bit short of RL time to boot). Get the turn to you as soon as I can; meanwhile, get your righteous indignation warmed up - it looks like the Dronemeister has done you wrong too.

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  • Blut0
    So where are we with this one?

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  • Blut0
    Commodore Blut0 votes for the Commish. Couldn't get Santi to chat with me.

    Onward to uncharted seas!

    2211 to Herc.

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  • johndmuller
    2210 to Commodore Bluto

    Election: 2210
    Commissioner Darsnan versus Foreman Hercules

    Provost Zac: 11 votes Hercules
    Colonel Santi: 23 votes Abstain
    Foreman Hercules: 252 votes Uncommitted
    Prime FunctionJDM: 111 votes Darsnan
    Commodore Bluto: 61 votes Uncommitted
    Commissioner Darsnan: 158 votes Uncommitted
    Totals: Hercules: 11; Abstain: 23; Uncommitted: 471; Darsnan: 111

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  • Blut0
    Any news on progress with this one?

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  • Hercules
    Turn 2210 to Lord Darsnan

    Well sorry for delay
    It was all going rather, as we like it in the Drones, like clockwork and then we started to have discussions with that roguess Santiago. Suddenly we ended up in vendetta all over the place.

    A Drones factional sub-committee is preparing a report on what went wrong.

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