Turn to Googlie
No announcement yet.
Builder-Momentum Team Series #1, second thread
Ah well. You're only my second ever PB victim, so you've got good company
2193 to Garth...We're back!
Turn to Googlie
Spartan Official Announcement
Spartan officials were shocked and horrified with the obliteration of our allys HQ by the evil University. The finger pointing was immediate. Our own strategic missile arm complained that their project was cancelled due to the immense cost and inability to field more than a couple of weapons. Not to mention the diplomatic repercussions of actually using such a weapon.
As of today the Spartan mission is to unleash as much terrible vengence as we can before our inevitable loss.Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
Turn to Mark
Since the game is almost over and I'am not playing it much anymore, so not likely to use this against you in the future, can you tell me how you nuked me without getting sanctions? I get 10 years for a pathetic revenge gassing and you get nothing for taking out my capital
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
Ummm. Bloody good question, actually - I'd sort of assumed the charter had been repealed, then realised it hadn't so yeah, I should have been expelled from the council and vendetta'd by all factions. Another bug?
Turn to Garth.We're back!
Turn to Googlie
That's interestingOne of the primary reasons I scrapped my PB plan was that since I couldn't reach any of your good bases it wouldn't be worth the commerce loss for the two of us to knock out one crappy base. Guess it's a whacky bug. Only time I used PB's in a MP game the charter was repealed.
Taking out the HQ sure hurts thoughOnce you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
It sounds to me like a bug, yeah. Maybe something to do with only human players being affected, and it's something the AI has to trigger for a Council expulsion? Don't know, just speculating - weird, whatever though.
Your HQ being knocked out shouldn't hurt too much - you should simply be able to throw up another the turn after - any homed crawlers should automatically rehome to the nearest base.
Satisfying thoughWe're back!
2195 to GV
And I'm not sure why sanctions aren't invoked - Mark is in Vendetta with everyone but me, so it's really only the Uni-Believer trade that wopuld be affected, but I see that we both are still getting our commerce income.
The Charter is not repealed, nor are we in sunspot activity.
In any other PBEM I've been in atrocities automatically get the ten year sanctions (nervegas, PB's, nervestapling, etc, regardless whether the other factions are AI or human players
Unless Tau set the scenario up to be sanctionless, given that it's a team game??
Turn to Mark
It's not sanctionless. Googlie got them for wiping your base earlier and I got them for my pathetic gas attack on you after the PB.
Maybe Mark will get sanctions next turn after he wastes me with the next one.
As for losing the HQ, since it's the first time for me I forgot to build a new one the first turn. Plus I had a massive increase in unhappiness which halted all production. You should have built more than 2 and really had some fun!Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.