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DT8: Mark13 vs Misotu, second thread

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  • DT8: Mark13 vs Misotu, second thread

    The struggle continues

    Old thread can be found here and the last turn sent was 2179, from Misotu to Mark.
    Team 'Poly

  • #2
    A sad, bent figure shuffles across the mindworm-infested landscape muttering "2180 to Mark" repeatedly to itself ...

    (Edited so it now makes sense )
    Last edited by Misotu; September 15, 2001, 06:40.
    Team 'Poly


    • #3
      A 'little' pop boom?

      Ah well....2180 to the powerchart leader
      We're back!


      • #4
        All right. Maybe not little. Would you settle for "modest"?

        Given the rate at which you're building those projects, I hope this sudden flurry of activity is due to those artifacts

        The graph has me leading, the who's who says it's you. Neck-and-neck then? 2181 sent.
        Team 'Poly


        • #5
          Nothing much to report. The Battle of the Pop Booms continues ... Provost Mark has returned to Planned temporarily. We are proving the Virtual vs the Virtues - which is more worthwhile at this difficulty level?

          Otherwise all is quiet, even (for a change) the Natives.

          Always a bad sign

          2182 is off to Mark.
          Team 'Poly


          • #6
            The rate at which we are building projects? ROFLMAO - that's my first since the PTS, way back in....2165

            Though I do have my beady eye on a certain other project I won't name

            Hah. BTW - I think the SC's rather more significant than either of the projects you've mentioned

            2182 back...
            We're back!


            • #7
              Well, our spies may be confused but we could have sworn that you built the Neural Amplifier and the Longevity in the last couple of years?

              If you are looking for yet another project to build, may I suggest the Command Nexus? Ordinarily I'd like it for myself of course. But I'm feeling generous this evening

              2183 back again
              Team 'Poly


              • #8
                Oh yeah, the Amplifier. Well, that was mainly out of boredom as much as anything....I hardly think it counts

                Heh - believe it or not, I nearly did build the Nexus. Especially running FM, those elite worm-hunters can be darned useful....

                2183 to Mis, now I've finally had a chance to play it...
                We're back!


                • #9
                  Sorry about the delay. Sheesh. Wish I had the kind of energy that would enable me to go on an SP shopping spree to relieve my boredom.

                  More worms have appeared from the deep desert to the South, but on the whole it has to be said that things are moving along pretty nicely. Our transport has run out of stuff to pop, so we are busy admiring Provost Mark's delightful empire ...

                  Edited to add that 2184 is off to Mark ...
                  Team 'Poly


                  • #10
                    Well, I haven't seen a worm in....3 turns

                    And Mis - no, it wasn't the HSA

                    Oh, and the whiter-than-white conservators across the pond are *still* pop-booming away....

                    2184 to Mis....
                    We're back!


                    • #11
                      Nah, our pop boom is ancient history. Seeing as the Markites have thrown in the towel on the population front, we've reverted to FM/Knowledge too. And called an election

                      Not the HSA?

                      Could it be ... the ToE?

                      2185 to Provost Mark, who is and will remain honest as the day is long (seeing how the HSA gives him no choice )
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #12
                        Bah! Completely forgot all about elections....

                        Hmmm. Oh well, back to plan A

                        Guess again....while the ToE is, er....rather a nice SP, it is not vital to our plans at this time

                        WE SHALL NOT SURRENDER!!!

                        We're back!


                        • #13
                          Yarooks! Misotu elected governor. Now I can see what you're up to, you fiend

                          2186 is off to Provost Mark. Provost Mis is off to review the new data ...

                          PS The Vats?
                          Team 'Poly


                          • #14
                            Hmmm. While your data remains shrouded in secrecy. Needless to say, the sighting of a Super Fusion Sea Former did nothing to inspire confidence....

                            *ding, ding, ding!!!*

                            Give the gal a cookie....

                            You can tell this is going to be fun....not for me though...

                            2186 to Mis.
                            We're back!


                            • #15
                              That would no doubt be the ex-super fusion sea former, now worm fodder would it ? From the IoD wot you also happened to "sight" ?

                              Well, as expected, we are researching quite different beelines. The Neural Amp and the Longevity kind of gave away your direction, so no surprises there I have the tech lead, but not by much, my chances of getting to the Vats before you are slim. You have a few more bases than I do.

                              I think it's vendetta time ... 2187 to Mark.
                              Team 'Poly

