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Turns of SMAC succession game #2: Lal's World

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  • Turns of SMAC succession game #2: Lal's World

    Here we go!

    If you don't know what this is about, check the signup thread here: Signup and Rules
    I'm going to upload turn 2115 and a curious start (2101) I decided not to use.


    How do you like the upload method compared with emailing?

    Happy Crawlering,

    Attached Files
    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

  • #2
    A much tougher start...should we use it instead?
    Attached Files
    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


    • #3
      I like the first one more, from a playing perspective, but the second one would be more intresting to play. I don't really care.

      Would it be possible that you could post a brief summery of the turn, including tech researched, and such?


      • #4
        Of course! You're absolutely right. I rushed to post the thread, but here's my notes from turns 1-15.

        Turn 1: We, the Peacekeepers find ourselves on what looks like a large, but not huge landmass. It certainly looks large enough to host another faction (for better or worse)

        Headquarters Auto-built (no 'look first'). Scout NW, CP South to explore the larger part of the island.

        Scout pops pod with Zak's commlink. About as good as it gets! We call up Zak, who trades info-nets for our starting tech. He also has Mobility

        Working on: Scout

        2102: Scout finds minerals on a rainy river square to our nw. Again..just about the best thing ever.
        New scout built..explores se. CP sw.

        2103: Scout1 finds another mineral deposit to HQ's ne. CP w. Scout2 se

        2104-15: no notes, but here's the deal: We popped 2 rovers, 3 techs (physics, mobility, industrial base), a bunch of monoliths, a few nutrient bonuses. We founded 2 more bases, first to the sw, then to the se.
        More importantly, it seems we are alone with the JUNGLE !.
        We have yet to discover a tech through research. This is b/c we keep discovering free techs which pushes up the cost. This is actually quite a pain. We are researching Bioethics (formers). Zak won't give up his Planetary Networks b/c he wants the VW all to himself. Zak has offered Yang's Commlink, so you might want to get that.

        Because we have the jungle all to ourselves, and because our research thusfar is painfully slow, I suggest bee-lining for running Dem-FM-Wealth asap. Also, see if you can comm-trade for Social Psych. Lal is just a beast in the jungle, this is why I started the second game posted above.

        Sorry for the shoddy turn-posts. I should have set a better example!

        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


        • #5
          Hello everyone! I just got in from a long drive home after a week on the road. I am downloading the turn and will play it shortly. I'll post the next turn (with my game notes) either later on tonight or by tomorrow morning at the latest.

          I am looking forward to this. Thanks for setting us up, Smack.


          • #6
            First, let me say that this is a lot of fun. I am looking forward to watching this game develop.

            On to the game:

            Smack, you must have the golden touch when it comes to Unity Pods. I popped a Nut. bonus and a Solar Panel pod (one panel only). Other than that, I popped an earthquake, which wiped out three jungle squares , but did give us some Rainy squares and a little more workable land on our island. I also popped two pods with worms. So, teach me your pod-popping strategy.

            Also, nice job getting us started, Smack! We do indeed have the Jungle on an island all to ourselves.

            I had two major priorities, getting Colony Pods out the door and getting Formers to work.

            You will notice that I have spread our bases out quite far from each other. Our island near our HQ is very arid, with no good base squares. So, I sent Colony Pods to the Jungle as a priority to get start those bases growing ASAP.

            I have begun the Weather Paradigm in UN HQ, with the idea that, once we complete it, we can drill to aquifers to make the land near our HQ much more receptive to bases and growth while taking advantage of the Jungle now. There is one more Colony Pod moving into the northern part of the Jungle to take advantage of a Jungle Nut. bonus square, so feel free to place it anywhere you choose.

            Smack was right about our tech discovery rate. Once we got CentEco, the next tech rate was 28 years. However, with the founding of three new cities, we will have PlanNets in three turns. I chose that one because, with it, we are now only two techs (IndEcon and IndAuto) from Crawlers.

            There is a worm in close proximity to our newest base, UN Enforcement Base (our farthest base to the SW). We also have a Rover getting close to deal with that problem. However, because of the worm, I chose to build a Scout Patrol as the first unit for that base instead of rushing a Former, so that base will need a Former.

            The University is way out in front right now, with The Hive a distant second. We are in fourth place on the power chart, close behind Morgan and pretty close to The Hive. This is mainly due to my taking a few extra turns to get those bases set up in the Jungle. Sorry about that, but I am certain we can make up the ground.

            The turn is attached for johndmuller to download. Good luck.

            Any advice, analysis or criticism is welcome.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Qantaga; August 25, 2001, 12:36.


            • #7
              RE: To Post or to Email?

              I'm suggesting that we email the turns to the next player ordinarily. If you happen to be going out of touch after you email your turn, it would then be good to also post it (upload it). Secondly, if we see that the game is stuck, it's acceptable to simply skip someone. Don't even bother getting consensus about it....if the game is stuck, unstick it.

              The reasoning is that some people won't remember to download the turns from the thread, so gettting it to their email is better for them.

              [If you'll notice I'm not being very democratic (though I would be otherwise). MP games take a certain bludgeoning to keep moving. In this sense decisions are best made by making judgements immediately, then looking for evidence, as dumb as that sounds ]

              Playerlist for email: I'll email each of you the next player's email (to avoid posting and attracting junkmailers).

              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


              • #8
                Sorry if I've been holding this game up; I just found out a little while ago that I was playing in it, so while I might be sorry for your'alls inconveniences, I don't feel too guilty. Once I read throught the comments, I'll play the turns and send it on/post (if I can figure out what the procedure really is). PS, as for me, I'd appreciate the email when it is my turn (but not the cc: on other's turns). Also, I'll be offline from Thursday afternoon through Monday AM plus or minus; feel free to skip me then.


                • #9
                  johndmuller, I will be the one sending turns to you and I will be happy to e-mail them to you. I will need to get your e-mail address, though, so you can either post it here or send it to me at (I can't really use the e-mail through Apolyton because it is painfully slow sometimes) Thanks.

                  Also, Smack, will we be going to 10 turns apiece on the second round through or stick with 15 turns each for the duration of the game?


                  • #10
                    I had in mind sticking with 15 turns ad infinitum.
                    I liked the original format in that the time to play each round was approximately even, but 10 or less turns seemed like not quite enough time to build up a strategy/adjust to the last turn.

                    JohnD. You were drafted..

                    Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                    • #11
                      Qantaga, my e-mail is; I've already downloaded this turn however from the thread, so you needn't bother now. I'm attaching the MY2145 file here unless it doesn't "take", (in which case I'll do it again) and also sending it to Arima (if I can get the address from somewhere) and also to Scipio (whose address I think I have from the SMAX succession). I agree that too few turns leave something to be desired, but too many and/or too long a time to take the turn also is a problem, especially if under the threat of being skipped. Perhaps it would be best to set a "target" of 15 (or whatever number) and a player could take less if they had time constraints. We don't seem to have too many players in this game; I remember the SMAX succession game where my second turn was hardly recognizable there having been so much done since the first round.

                      Anyway, my "Report to the General Assembly for the period MY2130-45"
                      I spent most of this turn doing infrastructure projects, particularly Recycl Cntrs and Formers and lately starting on Net Nodes; everything looking good in that department. We are now 2nd overall, leading in Pop & Territory; however, the #1 University will probably have trouble with the Hive as they share a fairly small landmass. Don't know where anyone else is yet, but we are building Doc: Fex, so sailing will soon be possible if we care to. I turned off the Auto Designer (left the auto prune on as I don't think it does any bads) and made a few other adjustments to the preferences; seems like it is a good idea in this kind of game to check the options out each turn to avoid nasty surprises due to other peoples' preferences. It can also get you by having the effect of changing your own options for your next new game.

                      We had several worm fights right off the bat; we won, but it sidelined our rovers for a while. More worms (someone used up our pod luck it seems, just one AA; all the rest worms), we killed them all, except for the one which ate our Scout a few turns ago. Watch out for that mindworm (as it has already tasted human blood) at (0,44) near Criminal Tribunal, to which base it seems to be heading (for its demise); although the jungle has a lot of rocky and/or fungus tiles which slow down the rover, the worm is seemingly going to advance to its doom at 1 of 3 places next turn giving us some ec's. A new mindworm has also appeared at (8,40) where it does not seem to be an imminent threat, but probably will advance on Court of Justice or Social Council. Just built a Command center in the Jungle at Criminal Tribunal, starting to make a few garrison units there to use in the neighboring bases and/or soon to be new ones. As far as I know, none of our military units have received monolith upgrades, but perhaps before my time...

                      We researched Infonets early in my administration and I followed the suggestion to go on the Ind Auto track with Ind Econ. We are now ready for a new round of pop increase (and/or we need the HGP or a trade for Social Psych to get Rec comms); we just finished Ind Econ, but weren't offered Social Psych (@#%$#%$*!) or even Ind Auto; our scientists, independent minded cusses that they are, are researching Doc Flex instead - 11 years estimated, but there are lots of Net Nodes and some solars in progress so it should be less. Still, we will probably need to send out some Colonies to get rid of surplus pops. I held off on Planned (expecting to go with it when we got Social Psych) to focus on infrastructure instead of doing ICS. Perhaps we can get by with specialists for a while, but I think its only Doctors until there are 5 pop units and we seem to be topping out at 3, so the 4th would have to be a Doctor, which is sort of a waste. Bought the Hive's comlinks from Zak (he said we could get Ind Auto (maybe Econ, but good stuff in any case); just got maps though - check it out, Zak is probably going to get zapped by Yang shortly - justice for the scam he pulled on us.

                      We used one AA to speed the WP a little as the AI was starting to make it. The HGP would be nice to relieve our pop pressure, but one of the AI's started it a while back (5 years?) and we don't have any intel to know how far along it is. We do have 2 AA's though, so that would take care of 120 of the 200 it costs and we could probably win the race that way.

                      Good Luck to (the next) Commissioner Arima,
                      Commissioner JDM
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        I like that format Johndmuller, makes for an almost story-like read. I've emailed you Arima's email address, and now have all the emails for this game.

                        I agree with your first paragraph detailing the handling of turns. Also, if we make it (as if it's a question) to the late-game, we might indeed wish to go to 10 or even 5 turns / round especially if we discuss strategies so that we have some cohesive plan of action.

                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #13
                          Double Post
                          See Below
                          Last edited by Arima; August 26, 2001, 19:58.


                          • #14
                            Hello. Sending my turn momentarily to the next, also posting on thread to see how bad I messed up:

                            An overview of MY 2145-2160
                            As I sit back in my chair starting typing this, I realize that I didn't do very much. I worked on infastructure, building various network nodes and energy banks.

                            However, in 2155, Morgan somehow built the HGP. I stare in shock at the screen. So I started a project that the computer wasn't working on: The Virtual World. I figured that will help our drone problems out a bit.

                            In 2156, Believers built the Command Nexus. I stare in shock at the screen.

                            Also, in 2156, I got a call from my good friend Chairman Yang. He wanted Flexability, and I asked for Loyalty in concern. He said no, and therefore I said no. Then he asked for a loan of 128 credits, which I granted. Hopefully, that pays off.

                            And that's it. My luck in the Pod lotto wasn't much better. I poped two worms, and they took out my Unity Rover.

                            And that pretty much concludes my turn, unless you count me not realizing that if I established another base, I'll get inefficiency drones. Also, drone riots are starting to break out in the size four bases, so I'm assigning specialists.

                            As for techs, I got Doctrine: Flexability, and started on Social Psych (finally!!!) Tech is down to 9 turns.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Our bases are growing too fast and our empire is spreading horizontally beyond the capacity of our existing infrastructure to support it (we need rec commons & VW). There is great unrest among the citizens. Accordingly, I have implemented the following changes;

                              1> I have ordered our largest bases to reduce nutrient production to minimum subsistance levels - to discourage growth past current population levels. Mineral production is to be the primary focus at these base for the near term.

                              2> I have also ordered our largest bases to immediately switch to the production of new colonies - to alleviate current overpopulation. [Jungle bases often have to spew colony pods to compensate for all the growth from NUTs]

                              3> I have altered our annual operational budget to provide for a substantial increase in the amount of energy expended in support of the psychological welfare of our people (SE ratio = 30/40/30). [This mix should be targeted for readjustment as soon as rec commons and/or VW (NNs) come on line]

                              4> I have ordered an immediate doubling of the on-call psychological counseling staffs at both U.N. Criminal Tribunal and U.N. Disaster Relief - our two most remote (and drone plagued) bases. These two bases should be first on the list for rec commons and hologram theatres (or NNs if we get Virtual World).

                              I am also proposing the following plan, which I believe will provide a more satisfactory solution to our longer-term growth problems. Simply put, I recommend that we move our HQ to a more centrally located site in the interior of the mainland (U.N. Criminal Tribunal and U.N. Disaster Relief are so far from U.N. Headquarters that they are picking up an extra drone each). I don't think I need to point out the obvious strategic advantages to having our HQ in a more centrally located inland position. I will leave the final decision on this to later administrations, so that the plan can be debated in open committee. However, I will take the liberty of founding a centrally located base near one of the monoliths. If the HQ relocation plan is approved, the HQ can then be painlessly built in that base during some later administration.


                              Our bases all seem to have adequate resources available to support near-term growth - especially in the jungle which is pretty much pre-formed anyway. Therefore, I am switching a couple of formers to condensor production (we have WP... might as well use it!) in the more arid eastern end of the continent. Also a few formers will begin building a road network, and a couple more will begin prepping new base sites expanding outward from a central point. I'll leave the thermal boreholes to another administration - maybe after mineral restrictions are lifted.


                              Went into design workshop and put together the basic naval designs (incl a probe skimship). I am switching U.N. Social Council to production of the prototypes of these vessels. Tranport Foil first, as we need to make contact with the other factions.

                              Tweaked SE budget to 20/40/40. We pick up 5 years on breakthroughs and still make positive energy credits. We'll see how it plays out.

                              U.N. Criminal Tribunal and U.N. Disaster Relief have each produced a colony pod (packed full of rioting malcontents!) and are currently prototyping a probe team and laser squad. Someone will prototype the recon rover shortly.

                              Morgans build The Merchant Exchange at Morgan Industries.
                              We learn Social Psych (woohoo!!!).
                              Working on Industrial Automation.
                              We are offically a naval power. Launch of tranport foil at U.N. Social Council.

                              Founded the base that I am proposing for our new HQ.

                              Oops! Just received some intel that the Spartans have eradicated the Gaians... indications are that Lady Dierdre and her staff got away in an escape pod - gotta keep a close watch on Colonel Santiago obviously.
                              We now have a probe team operating out of U.N. Criminal Tribunal.

                              Our transport located Fort Survivalist (Spartans) on the continent directly to the north of our own. Contact was made with Colonel Santiago, who was in a cooperative mood. She gave us 30 ec for Zak's commlink. She politely informed me that she had developed impact rovers and then demanded SocialPsych to help her with some 'emergency'. I offered to trade it to her for Non-Linear Math. She balked... and considering the mysterious events surrounding the sudden disappearance of Lady Dierdre, I gave SocPsych to her - not a killer tech at least. Colonel Santiago then offered us a Treaty of Friendship which I signed on our behalf.

                              U.N. Disaster Relief produces a Laser Squad. I immediately dispatched the unit to 'investigate' a monolith.
                              Built our first condensor, between U.N. Headquarters and U.N. Social Council.

                              "What do I care for your suffering? Pain... even agony... are no more than information before the senses"
                              We complete the Virtual World!
                              Looks like U.N. Headquarters and U.N. Social Council are experiencing GA. We're not even running Planned.
                              The Transport Foil located Defiance Freehold (Spartan) and a Unity pod just off the NE shoreline of our continent. I'll leave the pod for someone else to play with. Wouldn't want to humiliate myself by sinking my own tranport.

                              U.N. Social Council launches a Sea Colony Pod

                              Located another Unity pod...
                              Drones rioting at U.N. Disaster Relief, so I rush built the Rec Commons there.

                              Founded U.N. Ocean Authority. Our first seabase.

                              A second Transport Foil (U.N. Court of Justice) is now in the water.

                              Road network is nearly complete.
                              Two condensors are online.
                              A CP is in position on the east shoreline, pending completion of a sensor array.
                              Two CPs in production.
                              A couple of recon rovers in production.
                              A couple of Sea Formers in production... but I hear you don't like Sea Formers, eh Smack?
                              Probe Skimship in production.
                              Since most bases now have rec commons, I set the SE budget back to 40/20/40.
                              We learned Industrial Automation this turn. I accidentally went ahead and picked the next tech (non-linear math) to research. Smack, you can choose a different tech by pressing SHIFT+R. I'm sure you know that, though.
                              Not a peep from Zak or Yang.
                              From the powerchart it looks like the Gaians are still kicking around somewhere.
                              Attached Files
                              Delende est Ashcrofto

