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AXT 043 Year 2160 onwards

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  • big_canuk
    2181 to comm

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  • big_canuk
    2180 to comm

    The UoPs current tech lead along with their superior tech rate represents a sure method for them to achieve domminance on planet unless they share. I offered to trade their bases and peace for current tech parity. This would still give them a huge lead in tech rate.

    It would have taken me years to turn the war machine I inherited to a meaningful research engine. War was my only card to play. I am sorry, but in the light of cbn's refusal, I must play out my hand.


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  • Flubber
    2180 to bc-- I denied the truce offer from the evil Hive and invite the rest of the world to join me in opposing their wanton aggression

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  • big_canuk
    2179 to Comm.

    Whew, that took a long time to get my head around. Sorry for the long delay. RL was busy this week, and quite a few games piled up. Yours got short schrift. I am usually a very quick and reliable player, and will improve!

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  • big_canuk
    Oh boy, I see I am in deep doodoo here. Usually I am a builder, and prefer to transcend, and only attack if I have to. I haven't opened the game yet. I just got the password from Tau. I am going out tonight, so will play tomorrow morning.

    I prolly won't be able to stop the attack, but may be able to in future, for some arrangement. (compensation both ways, and some guarantee, my predecesors aggression won't suffer reprisals).

    Flub, if I have an easy conquest, I'm sure I will continue(or ask for somewhat onerous terms), but if it "wastes both of our resources", then why don't you email me to see if we can work something out.


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  • Flubber
    2179 to koba

    I had to replay the turn since I had no saved games-- Hopefully my troops fare better this time out

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  • Rastapopoulos
    Press Review of the latest events

    Dawn Gazetta writes:

    ...after returning from a three day intensive meditation-retreat, the Prophet himself yesterday addressed the general public. His Divine Holiness indicated that he had had several insights into the true nature of the events and that people should try hard not be fooled and mistaken by what wordly interpreters of the situation, especially those from abroad, are currently trying to make us believe. Unfortunately, the Prophet revealed, there are still too many - and even among those who are destined to rule and lead the people - who believe that any such thing as power or might can actually be attained by humans. These people are trying forever in vain to reach out and control Planet and are thus waisting their lifes instead of recognizing the true nature of the Divine Planet we have the immeasurable honour to live with.
    But we must not fear any of these fools nor any of their armies. The Prophet predicted that those who continue to dedicate their lifes and entire effort to the final Unification with Planet will be protected from above. Indeed, only hours after the delivery of his speech, several mind worm packs have been sighted and are just reported to have joined the Northern Island Forces Army Group. Experts at the National Center for Native Life Research say that more sightings can be expected for the following weeks. Religious Authorities throughout the Country have appealed to the populace to intensify their efforts in worshipping and praying for Planet.
    Meanwhile, reports from University of Planet indicate that....

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  • Flubber
    Heard from the Provost while fleeing Hive patrols

    " Me, imperial conquest-- he must be joking. Nem has an army 4 times the size of the rest of the factions combined and he accuses me of designs of imperial conquest-- I haven't attacked anyone in my life"

    "Sir, he says that you did not support the legitimate government"

    " Huh-- how can that be?? I voted for him and would support anyone's option to vote freely in any future election. How can he tell these lies??"

    " Sir its an ancient tactic-- if the lie you tell is big enough, some people may accept it as the truth. The Hive claims you are imperialist when anyone with any sense can tell that all your military is inside your own territory. But this claim is an attempt to cloud the fact that the Hive is attempting world aggression. The hope is that the other factions will be confused by the lies long enough that the Hive might defeat us and then, with us out of the way, turn on them"

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  • Sarxis
    It is YOU, dear sir, that was on the way towards imperial conquest. I have only stopped you before you could fulfill your maniacal plans.

    All those who support the LEGITIMATE governorship of Planet stand to benefit from its leadership and prosperity. IN FACT, all those (except for the unethical University) who have voted for the current leadership have indeed benefited from it, and would benefit more once the war against the UoP is finished.

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  • Flubber
    Good one koba-- although I am hardly suprised despite your blatant staements to the contrary re a declaration of war--



    The peaceful University denounces the war of aggression by NEM as one more attempt at imperialist conquest. The university will resist with every weapon and resource at its disposal

    The university calls on the the other factions to denounce these actions by nem for the imperial aggression that they are

    As to the points raised

    1. We built the empath guild as part of our quest for knowledge, nothing more

    2. we have commited espionage on no one.

    3. Nem has requested to trade for this technology and the university is not the only nation which has this ability. Is it your intent to also sneak attack the Commodore on the same reasoning

    To the factions of the world, I say this. The Hive has attacked without warning, in fact after giving assuarnces as recently as last year that he would not. To those with friendly relations with the Hive, can you trust that they will keep their word to YOU ??

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  • Sarxis
    Open Declaration of War-

    I hereby, with consent of the Protectorate High Council, declare war upon the University of Planet.

    I bring before you these points:

    1) That the UoP did willfully attempt to usurp the Planetary Governorship through use of its Empath Guildmasters.

    2) Did wantonly infiltrate other sovereign nations in an attempt to cause malicious harm through espionage.

    3) Is guilty of violating ethical scientfic restraints in producing highly destructive weaponry- namely, its Chaos Weapons research projects.

    This declaration falls under the jurisdiction of Article 4.1.27 of the Planetary Code, and thus allows ALL nations to openly declare war against the University of Planet. Under the stipulations provided there, all UoP assets- including bases, vehicles, military and non-military hardware, and civilians- are foreit, and shall be deemed under the ownership/rule of whichever faction claims them first through capture. All assets aqcuired in this manner are free from extranious trade tarrifs and penalties.

    Protector Nem

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  • Flubber
    2179 to the powerful nem

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  • Rastapopoulos
    2179 to UoP.
    Crank those turns out, guys!

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  • Sarxis
    Turn sent.

    Apolyton was acting up- couldn't post earlier.

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  • Rastapopoulos
    2178 sent to UoP.
    Let's get moving.

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