Replayed 2136 (new improved
version) and sent to TMS / Peacekeepers.
Switched successfully and completed Applied Physics; it gave me a lousey set of offerings for the next tech - had to settle for Secrets of the Human Brain, not terribly bad, but considering that I'm the one pushing for the bee lines to Air Power and Fusion I would have to rate it Strongly Ironic.
Apparently I don't have Doc Flex, but do have a Supply foil in the screen of buildable items - including the Cities in Flight graphic. Next time I'll see if I can figure out if there is something missing. I at least if not all of us seem to have had cosmetic faction changes too, I now appear to be Zak and have the white color scheme; I used to be Maroon, but I'm not sure which face I had. TMS looked different as D, but I'm not sure whether he looked like Lal or not before. I know that Scenarios often get messed up in this department, but I didn't think they changed in the middle.
Darius, my SMAX v2 will load an SP game from SMAC v4 as a normal SP game (perhaps subject to anomalies); the reverse didn't work, nor did at least one variation using MP games or program mode, I don't recall exactly which of the possible combinations I tried. Interestingly, when they are running, the OS calls them both Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, so I can't tell which program I'm running from that; I didn't remember at the time that the game/version is available somewhere in the Datalinks or HQ.

Switched successfully and completed Applied Physics; it gave me a lousey set of offerings for the next tech - had to settle for Secrets of the Human Brain, not terribly bad, but considering that I'm the one pushing for the bee lines to Air Power and Fusion I would have to rate it Strongly Ironic.

Apparently I don't have Doc Flex, but do have a Supply foil in the screen of buildable items - including the Cities in Flight graphic. Next time I'll see if I can figure out if there is something missing. I at least if not all of us seem to have had cosmetic faction changes too, I now appear to be Zak and have the white color scheme; I used to be Maroon, but I'm not sure which face I had. TMS looked different as D, but I'm not sure whether he looked like Lal or not before. I know that Scenarios often get messed up in this department, but I didn't think they changed in the middle.
Darius, my SMAX v2 will load an SP game from SMAC v4 as a normal SP game (perhaps subject to anomalies); the reverse didn't work, nor did at least one variation using MP games or program mode, I don't recall exactly which of the possible combinations I tried. Interestingly, when they are running, the OS calls them both Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, so I can't tell which program I'm running from that; I didn't remember at the time that the game/version is available somewhere in the Datalinks or HQ.