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Turns of Democracy in Peril

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  • #76
    Replayed 2136 (new improved version) and sent to TMS / Peacekeepers.

    Switched successfully and completed Applied Physics; it gave me a lousey set of offerings for the next tech - had to settle for Secrets of the Human Brain, not terribly bad, but considering that I'm the one pushing for the bee lines to Air Power and Fusion I would have to rate it Strongly Ironic.

    Apparently I don't have Doc Flex, but do have a Supply foil in the screen of buildable items - including the Cities in Flight graphic. Next time I'll see if I can figure out if there is something missing. I at least if not all of us seem to have had cosmetic faction changes too, I now appear to be Zak and have the white color scheme; I used to be Maroon, but I'm not sure which face I had. TMS looked different as D, but I'm not sure whether he looked like Lal or not before. I know that Scenarios often get messed up in this department, but I didn't think they changed in the middle.

    Darius, my SMAX v2 will load an SP game from SMAC v4 as a normal SP game (perhaps subject to anomalies); the reverse didn't work, nor did at least one variation using MP games or program mode, I don't recall exactly which of the possible combinations I tried. Interestingly, when they are running, the OS calls them both Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, so I can't tell which program I'm running from that; I didn't remember at the time that the game/version is available somewhere in the Datalinks or HQ.


    • #77
      MY 2136 to Darius

      Sorry bout the reload guys, had the same problem as John with the supply foil and the wierd graphics. Oddly enough, I can reverse engineer the stupid thing to give me gun foils and transports. Just two more techs on my part and we can start drilling some boreholes. It should help us leap up in production.

      Btw, how do you feel about upgrading crawlers? It's pretty much time to start building SP's because the computer has started on them. I'm not sure about cashing in AA's just to make them though, the tech cost of a new tech would probably outweigh the measly 50 minerals gained from cashing one in.


      • #78
        MY 2137 to Tai Mai Shu - Peacekeepers

        At the moment, we can't upgrade the crawlers much anyway; probably wouldn't make a significant difference.

        If anyone wants Applied Physics so that you can scare the uncivilized opposition by telling them how our engineers have finished prototyping the deadly 2-1-1 Laser Rickshaw, just let me know.

        As for me, my words are backed by Synthmetal Armor.


        • #79
          MY 2138 to Tai Mai Shu - Peacekeepers

          I will be unable to take turns from Thursday (Aug 30) PM until Monday evening (unlikely) or Tuesday (Sept 4) PM and may have technical difficulties this Wednesday and Thursday; I'm sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.


          • #80
            I plopped a crawler on a square with a mineral special, mine and road for 7 minerals per turn. That base is now at TWELVE minerals. As it happened, that base needed new orders anyway, so I started the WP there. So as to avoid losing the invested mins at the other base, I switched it to the HGP. I almost started the Merchant Exchange, but figured that was more up Morgan's alley.

            2139 to John.

            "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


            • #81
              MY 2139 to Tai Mai Shu - Peacekeepers


              • #82
                Originally posted by johndmuller
                I at least if not all of us seem to have had cosmetic faction changes too, I now appear to be Zak and have the white color scheme; I used to be Maroon, but I'm not sure which face I had. TMS looked different as D, but I'm not sure whether he looked like Lal or not before. I know that Scenarios often get messed up in this department, but I didn't think they changed in the middle.
                I look like a different faction in a different color every turn.

                Darius, my SMAX v2 will load an SP game from SMAC v4 as a normal SP game (perhaps subject to anomalies); the reverse didn't work
                I guess I was just thinking of MP games when I said that SMAC and SMAX won't load each other's files. I haven't played any SP games for quite some time, and when I do, I only use SMAX.
                "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


                • #83
                  Well, I'm pleased to say I'm raking in 41 research points a turn and will be nearing my goal of getting my first restriction lifting tech in 4 turns. Also, once we get boreholes, I'd expect our production and research to jump past the AI's.

                  I'm pretty certain this is the key to getting Fusion power and the other techs quickly as the AI isn't smart enough to utilize them.

                  MY 2139 to Darius


                  • #84
                    MY 2140 to Darius


                    • #85
                      I meant to post here two days ago, but better late than never.

                      I've been trying to avoid asking you guys for your techs in order to minimize my research cost. But its reaching the point now that the choices I get are mostly techs that you already have. I'm doing Secrets of the Human Brain now. I know one of you already is (I forget who after two days), so you will have to give it to me when you get it, so I can switch to something else before I complete it. Also, I need one of you to offer me Information Networks so that perhaps I can choose Polymorphic Software next.

                      On the other hand, I recently lost a game and may soon lose another for lack of adequate defenses. I'm kind of tuned into defensive techs right now, so I may work on High Energy Chemistry next. It's on the path to air power anyway.

                      Turn 2141 to John two days ago. (I know he's out until Tuesday.)

                      "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


                      • #86
                        Ah - the wierd trawler graphic

                        About a year ago I added a preformed unit to the 24 or so in the game, the foil supply (contingent on Ind auto and doc flex) so that the AI would build them. the 'floating city skyscape' was the graphic offered by the game, and I didn't know how to get the real graphic on. I usually add trance or armor and presto it becomes a conventional foil supply.

                        I forgot about that. Some of you may have encountered that in single player scenarios that you might have downloaded, or in other games I've CMN'd.



                        • #87
                          Googlie - it's in PG1 and PG2 as well.
                          "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


                          • #88
                            MY 2141 to Tai Mai Shu - Peacekeepers


                            • #89
                              Turn passed to Darius


                              • #90
                                MY 2142 to Tai Mai Shu - Peacekeepers

                                I've noticed that the Spartans (I think) have a base on my side of the landmass just east of me; I think I'm catching some of Darius' paranoia now.

