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Turns of AXT-042, third thread

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  • Turns of AXT-042, third thread

    Since the second thread was getting long in the tooth, I started a third thread.

    The old thread can be found here.

    As an additional note: where's the turn? Last I saw cbn sent it to Daytrippin.

  • #2
    Daytrippin still hasn't sent me the turn yet. I don't think he checks the admin threads, either. I'll send him an e-mail soon.


    • #3
      Hey gang.

      I emailed daytrippin just now. I don't think he checks this board so I prompted him to ensure he received the turn. If necessary I can resend it later this afternoon.


      • #4
        Year 2180 to Walt.

        Personal Journal of Lindley, Head of the Mindworm Trainers

        My relationship with the mindworms seems to have changed. They welcome me into the neural net -- sometimes they bring me in -- but I'm afraid they won't allow me to leave. And when I'm there, in their world ... I'm not sure I want to leave.

        Meanwhile I have tried to contact Lady Deirdre about my new experiences, but she has been awfully hard to contact these days. She, along with Druid Tenchusatsu and the rest of the Elders, have been in very long and top secret meetings as of late. I don't know what they are discussing or arguing about, but I fear all of them have forgotten our promise to protect Planet, her ecology, and her children, the mindworms. It seems all of our bases are focused more on mining and expansion than on Planet care. Even our esteemed capital, Gaia's Landing, is disrupting the ecology so much that Planet had no choice but to retaliate with spontaneous fungal growth. What business do we have pretending to be the guardians of Planet life if our capital is hypocritically polluting the very environment we are supposed to be defending?

        The mindworms cry out. Planet is hurting. And they're making me feel her pain as well. But who will listen to me?


        • #5
          I have 2180 from Walt and will play later today


          Foreman cbn addressed the Council of supervisors, " we understand so little of the intentions of our fellow factions on this planet. We have witnessed peace, war and diplomatic flip-flops. It appears that we have no idea what is going on out there. Continue to make peace and good relations with those that are peaceful. As for the Cult, I fear that peace and more importantly, trust that must precede any peace, is an elusive goal. "


          • #6
            2180 is done-- 2181 to daytrippin


            • #7
              Year 2181 to Walt.

              Just came home during my (ahem) extended lunch hour to play this turn. Does that make me a SMAC fanatic?


              • #8
                2181 to cbn.

                I'd say you qualify, Tench.


                • #9
                  2181 is done-- 2182 will be with the cult

                  Another great turnaround gang !!. . . . and Tenchusatsu . .. . I wouldn't worry its not terminal - Besides I was considering loading the game on my computer at work. . . . not a good idea if I want to get ANYTHING done.


                  • #10
                    I haven't received the turn yet, and I e-mailed Daytrippin not too long ago. cbn, maybe the turn got lost in the mail (again?).


                    • #11
                      Maybe he is just busy or unavailable but I am resending the turn just in case. It may be that he played and there was a disconnect on his send to you. Since we both emailed him we will know soon enough.


                      • #12
                        I still have not received the next turn from Daytrippin, nor have I received an e-mail response. This is mildly annoying, considering that earlier this week I was motivated enough to come back home from work just to play the next turn.

                        If I don't receive the next turn over the weekend, I suggest we eliminate the Cult and move on with just the three of us. Either that, or we can find another substitute for the Cult.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed myself. I emailed Daytrippin as well and still haven't heard anything either.

                          I like your plan, Tench. If we hear nothing by Monday, though, I'd say get a replacement player. Look how quickly Stephen got one for his Hive slot in the other game. There are plenty of people ready to step up to the plate and willing to commit to fast turnarounds. I'd prefer to keep this a four-player game.

                          *plink, plink*

                          two cents duly deposited

                          Edit: Do we have another email address for Daytrippin besides the Polish (??) (web-based???) one? Maybe the Polish mail server's down...


                          • #14
                            Hey there

                            I am disappointed too. We go from playing two turns in 7 hours to no response in several days. There may be technical or personal reasons for this but it is still frustrating. And Tenchusatsu I understand your feelings-- I have started getting up 45 minutes earlier each morning just so I have time to play a turn if it shows up (The work out I do if there are no turns is just a bonus)

                            But if a couple of more days go by I am all in favor of the replacement idea. While I would love the idea of the AI taking over the Cult (salivates at the thoughts of a war against the AI) the only fair thing to do is seek a replacement. The Cult seem to be in reasonable shape even if we Drones have our differences with them. In my Hive game I got a replacement in a matter of hours.


                            • #15

                              Morning News Update from Worm News Network (WNN).

                              Daytrippin', the first advisor to Prophet Cha'Dawn, was found dead in his apartment early this morning. Cultic security forces suspect foul play, and are questioning several naval officers in an effort to understand the mystery surrounding the circumstances of his death.

                              In related news, Captain NorthSwordsman, famed leader of the squad that eliminated a group of young Free Drone soldiers attempting to invade the homeland in 2172, has been named as the new first advisor to the Prophet. The Planet Cult's inner affairs will continue as usual, and the diplomatic activities and daily management tasks will be in the the able hands of the new first advisor.

                              The first advisor's first task will be to exact reparations for the destruction of an unarmed transport carrying an emissary to the Free Drones on a diplomatic mission of peace.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by NorthSwordsman; June 25, 2001, 19:34.

