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Turns of AXT-042, third thread

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  • #61
    I hope he stays in the game and will hold the turn until we know what is going on with the "surrender". I emailed Randy to ask him to stay.

    I do feel bad for atacking "new guy" before he has a chance to change his faction's fortunes but this campaign started before he came aboard and I believe that its fair ball to continue it. I don't believe I am being unreasonable to do so.

    If Randy decides not to come back I guess we could

    1. seek another replacement (best option) -warned that they will be fighting for their life if Randy's assessment is correct. That might even be a selling point- practice your war skills against a human opponent

    2. Turn the Cult over to the AI if that is possible -- this would likely be a big advantage for me given the AI's tactical booboos.

    3. Obliterate the Cult -- don't know how fair that is-- never considered it before in a game


    • #62
      Considering the options:

      1) Yes, this would be the best alternative. Heck, I'd be willing to try this if I weren't actually playing in this game.

      2) This isn't too hard, I imagine. Sure, it will certainly help you, Stephen, but Walt and I will simply have to adjust our strategies.

      3) At least this can be explained away in a role-playing sense. Maybe Prophet Dawn decides that he and his followers should finally become "one with Planet," literally.

      How about a radical fourth option, something like:

      4) Lottery draft pick for the Cult's bases. (Wacky idea, no?)


      • #63
        After reading the emails from each of you, I'll stay. Sorry, fellas. I'll just go to the bitter end. :-). I hate losing more than anything else, but I guess this is a character builder, eh? . Send them on. I'll play.


        • #64
          2190 to the Cult

          I appreciate you sticking around, Randy


          Vidflash news

          Drone forces report tonight that they destroyed two approaching Cultist Rovers and eradicated a base on the coast toward the Drone lands. However at this moment, the bulk of the Drone forces are remaining on the fringes of the boundaries of their new lands and have refrained from advancing on other cities. Analysts are uncertain whether this is merely a regrouping before future attacks or if they have been ordered to halt their advance.

          In related news, Free Drone diplomats were spotted at the Cult embassy. Officials deny that peace talks are progressing but political analysts speculate that the foreman's hawkish speech was designed to garner public support and the trust of the military so that the foreman may appease those groups with less than total victory. Military spokesmen denied this but remained silent as to the objectives which will provide sufficient security for the Free Drones.


          • #65
            2191 to Tench.

            Offical news release: The Cult continues diplomatic discussions with the Drones. While the Prophet is concerned that the Drones will break any treaty that is made, he is admendable to settling this war. A peace proposal has been tendered to the Drones by private messenger.

            First Advisor's personal log:

            Cha'Dawn is ranting and raving about the loss of the new base. I fear the consequences unless I can reach a quick agreement on to stop the hostilities. I am trying to find agreement that both sides will accept. Diplomacy sucks, but what I can I do about it? There must be SOMETHING that the Drones will take that will save face for us and satisfy them. I cannot make a treaty that will hurt our relationships with the others in the future... but.... there must be some way to solve this. If only I can see. Planet is silent about this. Which way do I go? At least the Drones have paused their attack, which gives me hope that they are willing to listen.
            Last edited by NorthSwordsman; July 3, 2001, 21:42.


            • #66
              Year 2191 to Walt.

              Personal Log, Year 2191
              Gaian Defense Minister

              Of all the luck, we capture an Isle of the Deep, only to lose another one to, that's right, another IoD. Worse yet, that IoD we lost was carrying an Alien Artifact, and there's absolutely no chance to recover it from the deep sea. Most likely the sea fungus will just let it rot.

              After the pride of constructing the Maritime Control Center, that was a painful lesson in humility reminding me that the seas are just as dangerous as before.

              Meanwhile, while our senior staff, along with the rest of Planet, is closely following the war between the Cult and the Drones, I must remind myself that we too are at war. In fact, I gave the orders for one of our mindworm scout units to attack a group of Cyborg formers. I dare not report this to Lady Deirdre for she'll obviously go ballistic over the attack of a non-combat unit. But she needs to realize that the Cyborgs would have done the same to us, if not more. I am also contemplating moving into their base and letting those poor Cyborg blokes have a taste of mindworm psionics. Perhaps this will convince the "logical" Aki Zeta 5 that continuing this vendetta makes no sense.


              • #67
                WNN Newsflash: The investigation surrounding the death of First Advisor Daytrippin' has been concluded.

                Unnamed official sources say that an extremist faction within the Cult assassinated the former First Advisor. This particular group, called "The Planet Worshippers", advocated the violent overthrow of the other factions and the establishment of a one-world Cult government. Investigators have uncovered some disturbing information concerning this violent group, including information that suggests they may or may not have been responsible for some actions that were committed in the Planet Cult's name against the Free Drones. Copies of the investigator's files have been turned over to the Drones in an attempt to discover the full truth beyond these insurrectionists. Further information will be disclosed when the investigation is complete.

                WNN Newsflash:

                3 members of the "Planet Worshippers", former naval officers who were demoted by former First Advisor Daytrippin' for violations of Cult Law, were arrested for the assassination of the former First Advisor. They have been tried in a court of law, and duly executed for their crime using the harshest methods proscribed by the Prophet.


                • #68
                  2191 to cbn.


                  Thanks for sticking it out, Randy. :-)


                  • #69
                    turn to tench.


                    • #70
                      Year 2192 to Walt.

                      Foreign Minister Report

                      I am pleased to announce that we have formed a Pact of Brotherhood with Pravin Lal and the U.N. Peacekeepers. This union not only makes sense from a geographic standpoint, considering that the PKs are on the adjacent continent east of the Gaian mainland, but it also makes sense from an ideological standpoint as well, since both our societies are dedicated toward peace, freedom, and social responsibility.

                      However, it puzzles me to see that the PKs are also at war with the Morganites as well as the Drones. This seems to go contrary to their namesake as "Peacekeepers." Not only that, but they are also located rather far away from either faction. We plan to pursue diplomatic channels in an attempt to bring an end to those wars.

                      Vid-Comm Conversation between Druid Tenchusatsu and the Head Engineer at New Virgin Soil

                      T: So you say you recovered a Unity Scout Chopper?
                      E: That's correct, sir.
                      T: How is it powered?
                      E: Aviation fuel, sir.
                      T: You mean from Earth?
                      E: I believe so, sir.
                      T: Can we synthesize the fuel for our own use?
                      E: Not yet, sir.
                      T: Then how does the darn thing continue to run without refueling?
                      E: Beats the crap out of me, sir.


                      • #71
                        Personal Log-- Free Drone chief investigator

                        The evidence provided by the Cult is quite convincing and detailed. While it confirms that the massacre of 2172 was carried out by Cultist forces, it suggests that these actions were carried out by dissident elements. It further suggests that these elements intentionally hid the true nature of the atrocities from the Cult leadership. Most of this new evidence is consistent with the results of our past investigations but we must look further.

                        Free Drone vidcast

                        There is mounting evidence that the Free Drone and Cult negotiators have been holding around the clock sessions to seek an end to the 22 year conflict. There are unconfirmed reports that new evidence shows that the Cult leadership was unaware of the extent of the atrocities which were carried out by Cult dissidents. Sources indicate that the Cult now may be willing to accept some responsibility for the incident. The foreman's attitude toward the Cult leadership has apparently warmed considerably upon this show of cooperation. Police sources would confirm only that the investigation into the events of 2172 has been reopened and is ongoing.

                        The final indicator comes from our battlefield reports. All hospitals report no casulties for the last reporting period and sources indicate that the 45th and 55th battalions have orders to stand down. Military spokespeople will neither confirm nor deny the existence or absence of a truce.

                        At this hour these reports are all unconfirmed. The last official communique provided updates on the war. There has been no official confirmation even that talks are ongoing. At the briefing today the Press Secretary would only say that " we continue to examine any peaceful alternative to war but have no comment beyond that".


                        Free Drone Dispatch

                        We regret our war with the peackeepers but it is currently a war without casulties. The Peacekeepers refuse all peaceful overtures and continue to make outlandish demands. We would welcome peace with them but would have to consider any Peacekeeper military that approaches our lands to be hostile and act accordingly. We hope that this approach is acceptable to the world community


                        • #72
                          2192 to cbn.

                          Tell me again, why are we at war with the Peacekeepers?
                          - Rachel Daws, Administrative Assisstant.

                          The Spartans paid us good money, my dear.
                          - CEO Walt


                          • #73
                            Offical Cult press release:

                            After marathon negiotation sessions with the Free Drones Diplomatic services, The Planet Cult is pleased to announce the signing of a formal peace treaty between the Planet Cult and Free Drones factions.

                            Terms of the treaty will not be disclosed until a further date, when the treaty agreement stipulations are well under way.

                            First Advisor's personal log:

                            Whew... that last negiotation sesson of 14 hours was exhausting. I'm glad it's over and we each can move on to other business. I'm satisified with the terms, as is the Prophet.

                            The Prophet was rather shocked to find out the lies, the deceit that this extremist group had been feeding us. From appearances, nearly a quarter of our military was involved in this plot. We have rounded up the members of the group, and had 3/4 of them executed by mindworms. The others have been turned over to the Drones for punishment as they see fit.

                            Now the rebuilding of our shattered economy can begin. There must be a way to get the needed cash and tech that we so desperately need. We are going to have to consider every option we have.


                            WNN update: According to a recent poll, 90% of the citizens surveyed agree that the peace treaty will only benefit both sides. The mood of the nation appears to be one of relief and joy, as well as concern over the economic state of the Cult. The First Advisor commented that he is feeling pressured to quickly solve the economic problems of the community.


                            • #74
                              Turn 2193 to Tench. Enjoy!

                              Ah... the fruits of peace! Joy!


                              • #75
                                2192 is done and the turn is now with the honoured Cult


                                Personal Log of Foreman cbn

                                Thankfully the war is over. Once we understood that the Cult leadership was not involved and they understood why we were so angry, it was easier to reach a deal. I think we both wanted to avoid continuing to be puppets due to the actions of some extremists. The treaty was a tough sell to my military-- darn fools always want to try out their new toys-- but they saw that the safeguards were enough to ensure a measure of security-- No more of my young men need die. Looking back it seems so senseless but I still think it was the only alternative at the time. . . . Sh*t-- the protocol officer is next on my appointment list-- He'll drone on for hours about the proper honorific for the first advisor, when to bow and who walks into the room first-- I guess the ceremony is necessary. I'll have to talk to the first advisor about trade opportunities so he will be confirmed in his decision for peace. I gues I'll have to go put on my dress overalls and get ready for all the diplomatic fooferall to come.


                                Vidcast to the people of the Free Drones

                                My people

                                I am delighted to tell you that the war with the Cult has ended. We now have sufficient evidence to conclude that the incident of 2172 was designed and carried out without the consent or knowledge of the government of the Cult. The first advisor has expressed regret over the role of Cult citizens in those events and has passed over many of the ringleaders to our security forces for interrogation. These extremist have already revealed the identities of members within the population of the Free Drones. These members have been detained and have revealed their plot to attempt to incite the Free Drone population against the Cult.

                                With all these facts, the Cult and Free Drones have been able to achieve a peace that will hopefully be a lasting peace. Treaty details are confidential at this time but it is hoped that these will be equitable arrangements that benefit both sides. We are a peaceful faction and our gretaest wish is peace.

                                Today we rejoice in peace even while we mourn the dead on both sides. Tomorrow, our focus shifts once again to building a better society for our workers.


                                Open message to all leaders

                                I have heard your concerns and with the gracious help of the first advisor, peace has been achieved. It is our hope that our actions in this matter confirm our peaceful intent. However, it will be the policy of the Free Drones to respond swiftly and with force to any attacks in the future. It will also be our view that a faction is reponsible for all the actions of their citizens. All factions should ensure that they have full control of their military and intelligence so incidents are avoided.

