Turn to the Free Drones.
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Turns of AXT041, part 2
Real life is intruding into my gaming-- I forget if I mentioned this before but . . . . I will be out of town on business (heading to Western Canada) and unavailable from mid day Saturday until sometime Thursday evening. I apologize for the delay but should have no other time away for several months.
2153 to the Denizens
Commodore -- Yes but the Spartans are also my pactmates. Perhaps I have been nicer to them than you LOL.
To the rest of you, I would like to thank those of you who voted for me (although I really do not know who you are since I only received a notification that I was elected)
The prophet listened gravely to the news that the spartans and Drones were now in vendetta. He turned to his advisors, "Is there no way to prevent warring between factions? The Spartans have been a loyal pact-mate but there was no intent that we be drawn into their wars of aggression, if this is what this is. Call for the diplomats and dispatch them to both the Spartans and the Drones to see if we can end this madness. Also check all available intelligence sources to determine if the reports are true that the Spartans are the aggressor. I can call on council to denounce aggression but I fear that the council is powerless to intervene directly in a peacekeeping role"
The prophet dismissed his advisors and stared off into the fungal growths "If only the other factions could learn the peace that comes from knowing Planet. They tolerate our ways but do not really accept them. The other groups witness the serenity and joy of our people and believe that we brainwash them. How little they understand the ways of Planet !! It seems that we must intensify our education programs."