2229 to Mark13
No announcement yet.
Turns of WRDS, third thread
Vetoing your own pact brother's proposal? He won't be pleased....
2232 to WE....We're back!
Just to past on a kernel of wisdom...
The game stated that you, Mark13, called for the vote when I believe it probably was Lal. This happend to me in another PBEM where Yang called for an election, I voted and pasted the turn to the next player, and it informed him that I called the vote when, in fact, it was Yang. Another bug. Ah well, Civ3 will be out soon enough and I'll have somthing new to complain about.
Turn to Big Canuk this afternoon.
That'll explain it then - it was indeed Lal
Sorry about the delay, laziness got the better of me last night - turned to WE....We're back!
2233 to Mark13
Sorry about the reload. When I dropped my drop transport (with a unit inside), the whole thing disappeared. I was sure this was a bug, so I quit and restarted. Smac then froze on restart, and I had to reboot the computer. (A reboot didn't work; had to turn it all the way off and then start up: weird). I did the drop first the next turn, and it worked out ok. I dropped it on the coast. Could I have originally missed and dropped it in the water? (Don't think so, cause it would have warned me, iirc).
Anyway, the only minor thing that changed is that my empath chopper went undammaged attacking a worm, where the original time it ended up about 1/3 dammaged. All else the same.
Let me know if not a bug, please.Team 'Poly
Hmmm, puzzling....never used drop transports, so haven't come across that one before....
Turned to XWaste....We're back!