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Turns of AXT019 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament

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  • #31
    my2107 -> A_S

    The Chairman sure hates pop-up windows... They're almost as bad as Democracy...


    • #32

      I guess I should protest to all this. So here is protesting. I'm very strong this game and if I find you Yang I will be very compelled to stomp you good.


      • #33
        Now, Brother Smith,

        I am very surprised to hear such warlike language from someone who heads the so-called "Peacekeepers". Should you not instead by trying to brings us all together instead of throwing wild threats. Remember your UN Charter my good friend.

        Chairman Em-jay Cue


        • #34
          Turn 2108 sent to Datajack Misotu of the Data Angels.


          • #35
            my2107 --> Adam_Smith ... take two (My oops)


            Somewhere in a prison cell deep within the underground recesses of the Hive, Chairman Em-Jay Cue's personal secretary slowly watches the nerve staple device slowly approach her. She screams in horror, but her entreties merely echo down the long, damp corridors. Too late, she learns that the Chairman will not tolerate inefficiency!


            • #36
              2108 to the liberal Chairman.
              Team 'Poly


              • #37
                My 2108 sent to adam_smith... although I got an email from him earlier today saying he was changing his ISP and the old email was no longer going to be good... but he doesn't have one yet... A_S, if you didn't get it @mediaone then let me know what your new email is or I can post the turn to a web page and you can download it that way for the short term until you get email back... Update us here!



                • #38

                  We will, of course, fight a human war. Just role playing though. We won't necessarily want a war.

                  Old ISP is still up. I will let you know when my new one kicks in.


                  • #39
                    Awww ... and here's the rest of us relying on the Peacemakers to protect us. Next thing we know, you'll be pacting with the Nerve-Stapling Militarists

                    - Datajack Mis, not the least bit worried about the Spartan HQ just 8 squares from her HQ.

                    Well, not very worried anyway.

                    Maybe just a bit worried.

                    Team 'Poly


                    • #40
                      Turn 2109 sent to Datajack Misotu of the Data Angels.


                      • #41

                        I will say that I'm happy that the Hive is a human player otherwise I would have to kill them. You're the only one who will have any real trouble getting along with the AI (Spartans). BTW, I always protect my allies, and I'm very benenvolent to those who vote for me when I play Lal.


                        • #42
                          The Datajacks send warm thanks to the Commissioner for his message. Now that we know we're going to have trouble getting along with the Spartans, we feel ever so much better about having them right next door

                          2109 to Emjaycue
                          Team 'Poly


                          • #43
                            my2109 ---> A_S

                            Datajack Misotu,

                            Our friend Corazon is a pussycat. You should have no trouble with her at all. Sure her troops might be disciplined, but they have nowhere near the "internal" discipline of the Hive elite swarms! (Well, give me time... a few scout patrols will soon be a swarm ;-) ) The Spartan troops are decent but they just have too much heart. (Pun intended, the Chairman is showing off his Spanish skills). Use your probe magic good datajack and convert those "disciplined" troops to you (gag) Democratic ideals. That's just what a anarchic faction needs... a good influx of disciplined police!!!!

                            Your local Chiron counsellor,

                            Chairman Em-jay Cue



                            • #44

                              [This message has been edited by emjaycue (edited June 20, 2000).]


                              • #45

