Turn 2110 sent to Datajack Misotu of the Data Angels.
No announcement yet.
Turns of AXT019 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament
Friend Chairman
You have touched our hearts with your latest message. We are delighted and surprised to find that our distressed circumstances have revealed a warm and caring side to your nature.
Thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. (wipes away an emotional tear)
- Datajack Mis
Turn sent to the Caring Commie.
Team 'Poly
The Chairman for once agrees with the freedom loving Brother Smith. Look at the bright side, at least you will have a bunch of battle hardened troopers.Play some Santana and whup her arse
Chairman Em-jay Cue
Quote of the Day:
"Truth, lies not in the sensations, which simply are ephemeral connections to this world. Truth, instead lies deep within the oldest parts of the mind, understand and control the primitive brain, and you will control your destiny."
Chairman Em-jay Cue, "Essays on Mind and Matter"
Well, it seems that Planet is more sympathetic than either of you. We offer thanks to Chiron for the Battle-Ogre she thoughtfully sent us ...
2111 sent to the Hard-Hearted Human Hive.
[This message has been edited by Misotu (edited June 22, 2000).]Team 'Poly