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turns of AXT005 game of SMACX tournament

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  • The Aliens don't seem to be able tolerate the gas canisters that we have out-fitted our air force with.

    Turn sent.


    • We congratulate the Foreman on his election. While we feel that we have been exemplary governors, we have to admit that the current political situation seemed to warrant a change

      More attacks from the Usurpers have persuaded us that a few offensive units deployed in that area might be of general benefit.

      2177 sent to the Foreman.
      Team 'Poly


      • Thank you Captain Misotu.

        The Drones have been very pleased with the Pirate leader as Governor, but since recent polls showed that support for the Foreman had increased dramatically over the last years, we felt we had an obligation to the people to run for Governor

        The Drones are also commissioning a couple of squadrons of Interceptor aircraft to deal with the constant harassment by the Usurpers.

        We also noted a dramatic drop in population in certain Usurper coastal cities near the Prime Functions territory. We congratulate the Prime Function in his successful air attacks

        Turn has been sent.



        • The Prime Function is pleased to repost that the Cybernetic Concioussness will have completed our first Usurper conquest in 3 turns and will mount an assault on the Caretakers in 2 turns.


          • Turn still not received Dino, sorry. Can you resend please?
            Team 'Poly


            • The Pirates are pleased to report that they will be in a position to harry Usurper bases in two turns ... otherwise, all was fairly quiet.

              2178 sent to the Foreman.
              Team 'Poly


              • Emailed Dino - I haven't received the next turn, but it's probably my email playing up again.
                Team 'Poly


                • My email seems to be having a Bad Hair Week, so I've resent the turn to Ced, just in case it didn't arrive. Apologies if you already got it once Ced
                  Team 'Poly


                  • This thread is getting too long, so I started a new thread here:
                    Team 'Poly

