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turns of AXT005 game of SMACX tournament

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  • #91
    Hi ... I'd be willing to take over from Bustamike, if you need a replacement. Pirates are not exactly my forte, but what the hell. I like this game
    Team 'Poly


    • #92
      Great Mis! Thanks for volunteering. I sent the last turn-file to DinoDoc quite a while ago so you should e-mail him for it. I´ll e-mail him too, just to let him know that you will be replacing Bustamike, in case he doesn´t read the board. I guess you´ll have to contact Tau Ceti and get Bustamikes password for the game.

      If I remember correctly, the Pirates are having a pretty good game, leading in techs and overall I think. My faction (the drones) are involved in a prolonged war against H´mnee (sp?) that is going pretty well. It´s the map of planet, and I think the current year is 2155, so it´s not that far in.

      If you want any more info or have any questions, just e-mail me.

      Thanks again!



      • #93
        Sounds great - I like being in the lead, especially if I haven't had to do the hard work for it

        I'll chase the save game and the password.
        Team 'Poly


        • #94
          Turn sent


          • #95
            Just to let you know that I've received the game from Dino fine (thanks Dino) but I'm waiting for the password from Tau. I've emailed him again - I assume he didn't get my first request or I didn't receive his reply, since he's always so efficient ...
            Team 'Poly


            • #96
              Turn sent to Ced.
              Team 'Poly


              • #97
                MY2156 sent to Mis. Nice to see this game moving again



                • #98
                  Hey guys,

                  Just dropping by to tell you that I will be gone during the weekend, so I won´t be able to play any turns until Sunday. Sorry about the delay. BTW, where is the turn, haven´t seen it in awhile?



                  • #99
                    Thanks for letting us know Ced. 2156 back to you
                    Team 'Poly


                    • Hi guys, I´m back and the turn has been sent to DinoDoc.



                      • 2157 back to Ced, sorry about the delay I was out all day yesterday.
                        Team 'Poly


                        • Lost a sea former to the Usurpers. Revenge will be swift 2158 is off to the Drones.
                          Team 'Poly


                          • MY2159 sent to DinoDoc.

                            I haven´t had much contact with the Usurpers, unlesss you count their destroying one of my sea formers as contact . Maybe you can avenge both our formers since I didn´t get the culprit who did it to me the last time

                            I got my hands full with the Caretakers at the moment but things are going well. Two cities fell to the victorious Drone armies this turn and Drone forces are poised to strike at 2-3 more in the following turns. There are just so many of them though! And they are of no use since they are so small, except as strategic outposts for further strikes. Ah well, it will take time, but the Alien menace will be dealt with

                            [This message has been edited by Cedronian (edited September 17, 2000).]


                            • MY 2160 sent to DinoDoc. All quiet this turn, except some distant screams from alien former crews meeting their timely demise

                              Good job getting that former killing foil Mis!



                              • The Usurper foil was despatched this turn. Otherwise, all was quiet ... 2159 sent to the Drones
                                Team 'Poly

