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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • The Morganites do indeed have the highest population, but by now only with a margin of about 10 to the University (roughly 140 to 130). The Consciousness is behind there, having only around 60 pop. On the other hand, they are the clear tech leader (57 Cy - 54 UoP - 50 Morgan) and have an unbeatable research rate too (2000+ Cy - 850 UoP (going to increase because of the Network Bacbone next turn) - 800 Morgan). Morgan has a slight cash per turn advantage over the University. Infrastructural development is about equal between the factions, with the Consciousness a bit behind. The University has the best and biggest military, but no one has concentrated very much on that. As for humour, you are right, there is no contest.


    • Turn has been passed on to Tau... Its a tough game, Enigma. The Morganites have the cloning vats.. the consciousness have a super-science city and are generating a tech/turn. Personally I think I'm the odd man out.. but, we're all still able to win I think. Tig


      • 2168 to Misotu. Sure I have the Cloning Vats...and a population limit of 11. Total further growth potential in worthwhile cities: 8. I am also at least 4 techs behind with the lowest research rate and no research-helping SPs left. The Consciousness now both generates the most research (by far) and cash (by a small amount). The University has the greatest military potential. I nominate myself for the coveted position of 'odd man out'.


        • Lurking in this game is just great. Not only are the commentaries wonderful to read, but it's also interesting to listen every single one complain about how they are losing out and the other two are way ahead, and then trying to imagine how the stakes are really standing.

          And judging from the speed of the game and the research/SP rate, all three of you are doing a great job.
          And Mis' cash and research flow shows very nicely a truth that I always wanted to hear confirmed: Size is not all that counts.

          Keep up the game.


          • Misotu I think is in the lead. We agreed to make this a peaceful game, and her research rate is almost untouchable. Even with the network backbone, my research is half of hers--and I'm at 80% research right now. I have the 'best' military capacity but that is soley because I have the cloudbase academy.. i have no other projects or events that help me out with military standings.. and the second I build up a military larger than the one I got (I've take 3 alien cities, i'm pounding on Marr, but H'mnee is a pud ball). Y'all will vape me for building up a military. I'm not sure how I can stop Misotu from transcending.. except that we all have a literal ton of crawlers, and no one can build the ascent without allowing everyone else to build it as well.. should be a bizarre last turn with all of us one turn away from completion, assuming that whoever builds the prepartory one has the resources to build two straight projects.



            • This is a very interesting builder challenge. I don't know how you guys can keep your pacts especially if one player is creeping ahead, but then I am NOT a builder
              Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


              • The University has passed yet another turn onto the Morganties. It is sad to report that our war on the northern continent against H'mnee is going poorly. We expect to lose the city within a few years. Popular support and University media are blaiming the Cyborgs for not sending relief troops as is expected of a pacted ally during times of war. (whether they knew it or not..chuckle).



                • The University has passed yet another turn onto the Morganties. It is sad to report that our war on the northern continent against H'mnee is going poorly. We expect to lose the city within a few years. Popular support and University media are blaiming the Cyborgs for not sending relief troops as is expected of a pacted ally during times of war. (whether they knew it or not..chuckle).



                  • It has been a fairly uneventful year at Morgan Industries. The only thing worth mentioning is that the Network Node at Morgan Industries had a small software failure, requiring a reload. We apologize to the people affected.


                    • double-post, sorry.
                      [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited May 16, 2000).]
                      Team 'Poly


                      • triple ...
                        [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited May 16, 2000).]
                        Team 'Poly


                        • quadruple ...
                          [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited May 16, 2000).]
                          Team 'Poly


                          • The Consciousness is pleased to report that the next turn has finally been passed to Tig. This is indeed an interesting game, and I have to say that despite my constant whinging about pop, growth and so on, I'm definitely still in with a chance here
                            Team 'Poly


                            • A chance? Heck, you're the run away favorite. You're double our research rate and at least a couple good techs ahead.

                              Citizens around University territory have been upset with recent political developments. Rumors of riots abound as citizens are upset that the University scientists appear to NOT be the best and brightest.



                              • Then imagine the disgrace of Morganic economists as reports now show that Morgan Industries reports the lowest annual profits of all the factions, with no improvement in sight. They are also struggling with hopelessly outdated technology.

