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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • Sigh.. The University would like to congratulate Morgan on a game well played. Its just the details now as to how long it takes Tau to win. I hadn't noticed before for some reason, but Tau is 2 years away from finishing the Cloning Vats... neither Misotu or I can get there even close.

    In other reports, recent downloads of both progenitors maps create a startling view of planet. The University is willing to sell their map data for another factions map data and a tech of decent standing. A greater tech does not require map data to be provided.



    • Well, its not like I'm going to stop playing it out anyway. I want one of these games to be a victory by trasncendence...

      In other news, the first (known) significant military victory on planet occured today as one of H'mnee's settlements has fallen to the University war machine. Along with a colony established 3 years ago this gives the University a beach head on both the northern and southern continents. Generals on both fronts are optimistic that they will not only hold ground but gain it soon.



      • There was a peaceful protest in Morgan Industries today as the new Cloning Vats opened. CEO Tau Ceti dismissed the protesters' arguments, saying that 'while we understand their concern, our foremost goal must always be the survival of our species. On such a potentially hostile planet as this, it is imperative that our population be as high as possible, and this is the most effective and efficient way to accomplish that.'

        The first subjects to be cloned have been successful Morganic entrepreneurs, scientists and athletes, though there are plans for expanding the capacity. Eventually all who can afford it can be cloned.


        • Tig, I think you are overestimating the importance of the Vats. Sure, they are an advantage (a large advantage, even), but first, it will take a while for them to have much of an effect, as very few of my cities have Tree Farms and therefore have trouble growing; and second, they will stop at a puny size 11. It is somewhat troublesome for you to switch to Planned, but at least then you can get size 16 cities - and you have more of them, too.

          Sure, the Vats are good, but this game is not over yet.


          • BTW_ yes I can pop boom... but since I'm already several techs behind, I can't even guess as to what would happen if I tried it. Planned would destroy my research for a while.. and I don't think I have time to catch up. Fortunately, my cities are growing okay now that many have tree farms and some are working on hybrids.


            • Several techs behind?! You are the tech leader and have 4 techs more than me! It seems you two are trading quite a lot - keep doing that and you will have transcendence 20 years before me for sure.


              • Well ... I don't know. If anyone needs the cloning vats I suppose it's me since I can't pop boom through SE settings. Congrats on the achievement Tau.

                Next turn sent to Tig.
                Team 'Poly


                • Yes OK, it slipped my mind that Morgan can't pop boom either. But Tau seems to be doing OK regardless :-)
                  Team 'Poly


                  • Well, a computer crash later and my diplomacy got wiped I think

                    Basically, life is good, satellites are under construction. Tig


                    • Just checking in briefly ... my son's last day of his holiday today, but I've sent the turn to Tig.

                      I'm about to get hit by a bunch of worms, so my scouts will be called upon for the ultimate sacrifice I think With luck, I won't lose a base.

                      And yes, I'm building a single x chopper. None of the human factions should get jumpy about this ... strictly defence, I'm sure H'minee will turn up with a couple of troops in a transport at some point ... Anyway, not even I, optimist that I am, could seriously believe I can take you both out with one chopper

                      Oh and er ... I think I'm the tech leader, not Tig. I'm kind of proud of it, it's my one claim to fame in an otherwise rather poorly-played match
                      Team 'Poly


                      • Well, I already have one 8-1 chopper and am building a couple drop troops, but I have already taken two alien bases and am hoping to eventually take more. H'mnee has 25 bases from what i saw when I grabbed her map.

                        Tig...wishing he had 25 bases.


                        • Mis: Poorly played? I am not so sure about that... with the Theory of Everything being discovered at Alpha Prime in but three years, your research rate will be nigh on impossible to beat. Looks like the Consciousness is up there with the best of them still...


                          • Turn is back to Tau... an unfortunate drone riot sent a base into the hands of the Conscousness. It is our hope we can negotiate a settlement between the new rulers and the disgruntled citizens (stupid drone rioting cities growing...)



                            • Didn't manage to post before Tig, sorry I'm a bit behind on my games and trying to catch up on them all at the moment.

                              I think the Consciousness has been poorly played in this match to be honest ... made a couple of very serious tactical errors early on and I'm still paying the price. So I don't feel that this has really been my finest hour exactly. Still ... my research rate is pretty good considering the size of my pathetic little empire I'm not as experienced as either of you guys - I've learned a lot from this game - but as long as I get ToE, I intend to give both of you a run for your money, as far as I'm able

                              Team 'Poly


                              • I just read Tig's post properly ... I'm sure we can negotiate something I've never gained a base like this before.
                                Team 'Poly

