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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • #46
    The Morganites are truly baffled at the discovery recently made by a scout patrol. What they thought was one of the many helpful pods from the Unity, turned out to be an ancient machine of destruction. Both its armour and weaponry are more powerful than any currently known to man, and the entire machine alters the sound waves around it, creating a resonant humming sound. It remains to be seen whether this machine has anything to do with the polar inhabitants, or if it was left by an even more ancient civilization. One Morganic spokesman is quoted as saying 'This place has a busy history!'


    • #47
      Complimentary copies of "The Joy of Sex" and the Kama Sutra have now been circulated to every function in Cybernetic society. The Prime Function has identified reproduction as the principal goal for coming years. Sadly, the low Borg sex drive seems unresponsive to any stimulus.
      Team 'Poly


      • #48
        Fortunately, we members of the University know the joys of sex quite well, as we note we have the highest population on planet (ok, ok, by 1).



        • #49
          It is rumoured that the mood of the Prime Function has been much improved this year by the discovery of a strange alien artifact. Elsewhere, researchers were jubilant at the discovery of new technology enabling the construction of sea-going vessels.
          Team 'Poly


          • #50
            Perhaps if the people of the University concentrated less on such activities and more on the tasks at hand, they could stop sending the wrong files to the Morganites...


            • #51
              Dammit, no game to play. That means I have *no* excuse for not clearing up the kitchen. Humph.
              Team 'Poly


              • #52
                Well, I hope you have some other work you can postpone. 2114 to Misotu.


                • #53
                  Yes indeedy. Raking up acorn cups in the garden

                  2114 to Provost Tig.
                  Team 'Poly


                  • #54
                    Sorry about the reload guys... my computer crashed when I loaded the game file, I swear.

                    Anyway, 2114 off to Tau.



                    • #55
                      No problem, Tig. 2115 to Misotu.

                      (These messages became very boring once we hit page 2.)


                      • #56
                        Drone riots today hit University Base over protests to the 'free market' approach to economics TigToad had chosen for the University people. In a short speech earlier today Tig strongly denied allogations that he would rather deprive his capital city of food than cave to the rioters demands to move to a different governing system. In the mean time doctors have been rushed into the city to try to curb any fatalities as a result of the riots.


                        • #57
                          Morgan Industries today made an announcement that should forever clear them of the accusations that they care nothing about their people's quality of life. Large corporate grants have finally made a long-time dream of humanity come true: the Human Genome Project has been completed! Already, new Morgan Industries spinoff companies are busy producing cures for all kinds of diseases that have plagued mankind since the beginning of time; soon they will be a thing of the past.

                          Spontaneous celebrations broke out in the streets at this news. It is projected that the increased quality of life will soon have an amazing 75 % of the population officially qualifying as talents.


                          • #58
                            Alpha Prime was subdued today at the news that Morgan Industries has completed the Human Genome Project.

                            Pressed by journalists to explain how Cybernetic scientists had failed to map the gene before the Morgan executives, the Prime Function would only respond that "Cybernetic researchers are the best on Planet. We simply don't have enough of them."

                            Native life forms continue to emerge from unity pods in their droves but have so far been contained by Cybernetic troops.

                            [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited March 27, 2000).]
                            Team 'Poly


                            • #59
                              Ok.. I took the turn again at work this afternoon. I was playing the turn while being online in the background (normal for me).. MSN took a major dump on me and my lap top froze. I retook the turn (again, I know--its killing me, I actually pod popped this turn and had a horrible pod pop compared to the original). However, my internet account was down for hours after the crash fiasco and I didn't get the turn off. Considering how sick I am right now I may or may not be in to work tomorrow to get the turn off again... hopefully. If not then definitely by wednesday. I feel awful holding up our game so much as we make such great progress the rest of the time.

                              PS_ If you two continue to trade _my_ techs between yourselves I won't be able to ever trade you two different techs again. A sadness, but hey, I was playing on the level with you two I assumed you'd do the same...



                              • #60
                                To our friends in the University research labs:

                                We did not know that the data was shared with any strings attached, and we did not expect any non-disclosure on your part either. Now that we know how you feel, we will respect that.

                                2117 to Misotu.

