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EREWHON turns - part 3

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  • I was considering L. Zods offers before the latest combat reports were relayed to me. Yet again the bloated CEOs robo-thugs sank a coastal guard, cruising through the fungus, hidden and obviosly trying to avoid conflict, a mere 12 miles away from the Hive coastline this time.
    Where is not the slightest willingness on the side inflicting casualties to stop that behavior. I need to think about all this in more dephth before making any commitments.

    Chairman Flomeise out


    • Lord Zod deplores this latest escalation of the conflict and humbly asks for each side to cease hostilities.

      Lord Zod asks for a two year truce so that the parties may consider peace plans being offered by the Planetary Governor.


      • The snake-tongued Chairman claims his innocence in all war acts, but while he's supposedly watching my small navy destroy his spies, his own ships are massing at the haven entrance of one of my cities, and another one shelled thousands of acres of forest until only smoldering ashes remained.

        I am willing to call an end to this useless conflict as my economy suffers from the lack of trade with my closest neighbor, but I will not yield to ridiculous demands for compensation of an act I did not commit.

        CEO Aredhran


        • Greetings Chairman Meister Flo,

          On behalf on Lord Zod and myself, congratulations on your brilliant leadership over the Hive citizenry. Your faction's burgeoning population and the completion of more Special Projects than any other are just two examples of the Hive's excellence on Planet. Your success is the envy of all faction leaders.

          However, over the past several years Lord Zod and I have become increasingly concerned with the new direction the Hive nation has taken. Specifically, we speak of the escalation of tensions between the Hive and Aredhran Industries. We fear the path of violence and warfare is unbecoming of Planet's premier nation. We expect more.

          Your recent activities indicate not only a change in Hive paradigm, they are a threat to world peace. A war between two of Planet's enlightened factions would provide Col. Santiago and Sister Miriam with an opportunity to pursue their imperialist agendas.

          That said, we respectfully request you make an absolute effort to end any and all activities that may result in additional conflict with CEO Aredhran. We ask that you refrain from conducting military and espionage operations in the sea lanes off the coast of Aredhran Industries.

          To show that Lord Zod and I understand the Hive's desire for adventure (its wanderlust if you will) we are offering the following alternative to the Hive people. In place of your present course of action against CEO
          Aredhran, we direct your attention to the land south of the Hive nation.

          There lies a vast and open expanse of land, resources, and adventure- all for the taking. For your information, Col. Santiago and her band of squatters are not a recognized nation by the international community, and as a result have no legitimate claim to the land.
          In the event you are not already aware, the international government offers wonderful opportunities to assist in the civilized development of the Southern continent. We would be more than willing to provide such support in the form of financial loans and military assistance if you agree to cease
          your activities against CEO Aredhran. On the other hand, you can expect no cooperation and no support of any kind from myself and Lord Zod if you continue your present course of action.

          Please understand, Lord Zod and I are not acting as agents on behalf of CEO Aredhran. Instead, we are two peaceful faction leaders struggling to maintain peace on Planet.

          Consider our offer.

          We eagerly await your reply.

          Governor Animus
          Lord Zod


          • CEO Aredhran,

            Lord Zod and I would like to have a few words with you as well.

            It is clear to all that this conflict is not one-sided. Chairman Flo should not and will not bear complete responsibility for them.

            Provided the Chairman complies with our request and withdraws his units from your coastline, we expect there will be no retaliatory strikes on Hive units or improvements on your behalf. Furthermore, you will cease to infiltrate Hive units.

            Lord Zod and I are willing to impose economic sanctions if you do not comply.

            We trust you will use your better judgment to bring about peace between yourself and Chairman Flo.

            Governor Animus
            Lord Zod


            • turn sent to zod


              • Turn complete.


                • 2194 to Aredhran

                  Governor Animus, thanks for all that buttering up. I feel all sticky now, and will test our experimental plasma-shower.

                  Lord Zod, as a personal favor, I just offered a 5-year truce to the CEO to allow for peaceful negotiations. Note: my Hive does not recognize the Industrial Behemoth Morgan (IBM) as a legismate country. Sparta, for instance, does much more to turn this planet into a habitable place than the ever-exploiting IBM.


                  • Good news from the RL front. Dreifels, a CMN, found a way to eliminate the editor bug on my system. This means i'm spankin' clean from now on. Even able to kick off new games as a CMN (can you believe the emberassment: I CMN'ed Weizen without ever realizing that the editor was accessible to all players. I think they did not know it either )
                    Unfortunately, the cure is *not* effective for games suffering from it already. The only way, as of now, to fix those would be a recreation of the game, square by square, and a restart as a new scenario. I feel not guilty enough to offer this for erehwon. We don't have a problem here anyways, methinks. There might be a cure out there, well hidden. Still experimenting with some dummie games here.
                    So, enough posting, now i can take on Vel's diplomacy challenge without fear of screwing up the game files

                    edited for the stupid emberassed smiley.
                    [This message has been edited by Meister Flo (edited October 01, 1999).]


                    • Flo, out of curiosity I'd be interested to know what was causing the bug, and how you and Dreifels fixed it.

                      Too bad it doesn't fix existing games. About Weizen, I only realized the SE could be activated very near to the end, since I never looked at the score sheet to see the CHEATED! flag.

                      Turn will be sent soon.



                      • 2195 (?) sent to Zod. The turn seemed very familiar so there is a slight chance that we played this one already.



                        • It is MY 2194. When I attempted to un-zip it, I was asked if I wanted to replace 2194 received on 9-29.

                          Somebody goofed. David, if you re-played the turn you should have gotten a re-load message.

                          I will notify MoSe and let him chase down the problem.


                          • This is a copy of my letter I sent to everyone. No new information here.

                            Ok, here's what happened.

                            Aredhran sent me the turn 2193 sometime before 2pm this afternoon. Along with the gamefile, he commented that the turn seemed familiar to him and he wasn't certain if it was already played. Furthermore, he also noted that he did not generate a reload warning. He basically left it to me to find out if it was the right file.

                            I played the turn, at work, and also thought the set-up was familiar. Since I play some of my turns at home and some on my work computer, I was uncertain if no reload warning meant that the file was new or old. That is what prompted me to comment on Apolyton. I basically tried to pass the buck to Michael which seems to have further complicated things.

                            To add to the confusion, when I sent off the turn I told Michael and Mario that the file was 2195 but was incorrectly named 2194. That was a mistake on my behalf. The file that Michael (gaians) should have received this afternoon was 2194, not 2195. Again, it was my mistake. (It's not easy being the PKs you know.)

                            So, Michael and Mario, the file I sent WAS the correct one that I received and played from Aredhran.

                            Back to the original problem, was the file that Aredhran the right one or not? Well, after testing the turn on my home computer this evening it turns out the file sent by Aredhran WAS a repeat. That is, I generated a nastygram.

                            That leaves us with the following:

                            Aredhran finds the right file (2194) and sends it to me, or Michael just plays 2194 again and we get back on with the game.

                            Sorry that I compounded the confusion.



                            • - as far as I know, you can't alter the MY inside a game, unless you use the scenario editor.
                              - I receive files from animus (old MY) to Lord Zod (beginning of round, increment MY)
                              - labeled 2193, contained 2193
                              - labeled 2194, contained 2194
                              - zipfile 2195, contained a turn labeled 2194, which was indeed 2194 again.
                              It seem that animus received his 2193 again instead of his 2194 (I trust you, I can't check midround turns), where Lord Zod received 2194 (but which did he play?).

                              Between Lord Zod and Aredhran, someone opened his old turn, or sent the old next palyer's turn. If you keepo your lasdt round messages in mailbox, you could check if your last in coming or outgoing messages contain a 2193 instead of 2194 attachment.
                              If we can't track it back, we just go on from there, you'd have just played a round twice. Be sure that the MY and the savefile names match.

                              I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                              • Lord Zod is sending a team of scientists to Aredhran Industries to determine if the CEO's time travel experiments are responsible for the recent disruption in the space/time continumm.

                                [i didn't spell that correctly, did I?]

