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EREWHON turns - part 3

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  • The turn has just arrived.

    "Considering the unavailability of the CEO during this workweek, I would advise to hold
    the play."

    Is this MoSe speak for "STOP PLAYING", or merely advice. Cause, if it's advice, I want to play so I can peek about and see what has happened!

    It's not like anybody plays during the weekend, that's a delay of a whole week.

    Who shot JR?


    • iirc, Aredhran is on hold because of 2 weeks of military service. A small price to pay to be trilingual (Swiss)

      the churn would be the war between a certain triggerhappy CEO and one altruistic Chairman. It broke out after a Hive bombardment of the spy foil that sabotaged our peaceful tourist cruise ship merely collecting fungus 2 years ago.


      • deleted double post. Hate iMacs.
        CMN news service -the Oktoberfest-connection ? Wonder that Mario is scrutinizing. Please let us know.

        [This message has been edited by Meister Flo (edited September 21, 1999).]


        • slight backstepping. 2190 resent to Aredhran + CMN for replay.


          • 2191 sent to gaia and cmn.



            • Turn Complete. Lord Zod is returning early from his vacation to deal with this crisis. He will have a statement next turn.


              • Turn Complete. Lord Zod is returning early from his vacation to deal with this crisis. He will have a statement next turn.


                • 2191 to fieldmarshall aredhran

                  Maybe the pactbrothers, supposedly concerned about planetary peace and stability, would consider helping me out with some technology. After subverting a foil of the coastguard, the vile ceo aredhran ordered the execution of the human crew, and replaced it by his robot minions. He also replaced the auxiliary laser system of our rescue vessel with a battery of missile launchers. The researchers, busy with the development of new terraforming techniques, did not even think such a devastating weapon system a possibility on the resource poor planet. As you all know, my prosperous and peaceful Hive does not have a single unit with particle weapons under arms.

                  Please, in the name of mankinds future, help us against the unprovoked attacks of this megalomaniac energy-shark by supplying my stalwart defenders with much needed technological advances.

                  Chairman Flomeise out


                  • [This message has been edited by Meister Flo (edited September 23, 1999).]


                    • All,

                      I would like to respond to Flo's letter, but I just don't have the time right now. Hopefully, I will be able to sometime this evening (EST).

                      In the meanwhile, turn sent to Zod.



                      • To my fellow leaders Chairman Flomise, CE0 Aredhran, and Governor Animus:

                        I pray you all remeber the events that unfolded prior to the death of Captain Garland. At that time, we all agreed to work together to circumvent the evil intentions of Miriam, the Provost and the evil Spartan seductress. [read: agressive AI]

                        How soon we have forgotten! As we each has prospered, old threats have faded from our minds. While the Chairman has been able to maintain resonable relations with the Bible thumpers, by and large, there has been no cooperation between these three and the more humane factions that we represent.

                        There will be a reckoning.

                        I ask each of the present combatants to pause, and to give us an opportunity to reason together for the common good, and to seek peace on Planet.

                        Let us be wise men and recognize that the true enemy is not within, but lurks there in the shadows. In the white and the black, and the witches orange.

                        Lord Zod

                        [now I am going to play my turn ]


                        • Turn Complete.

                          I have never experienced the meteor strike, but I heard of it. Now I've seen something in this nowhere game just a strange and for me unheard of!

                          This may raise a ruckus. Maybe Moses will have to come down off the mountain and parse it together.

                          Lt. Col. jtrick


                          • 2192 to Aredhran.
                            What happened ? Your cities look intact enough, so do mine, and Aredhrans (regretfully so)


                            • 2193 sent to Zod the Mysterious.

                              Actually, I think he's just trying to get us to focus on the real enemy.



                              • Turn Complete.

                                Lord Zod revealed today that he has hopes that a general war can be averted.

                                "If this conflict can not be contained, all Chiron is at great risk of destruction", Zod was quoted. "Surely Flomise and Aredhran are aware of the ramifications of allowing this minor dispute to continue. There is true evil on Chiron, and I pray that we stop this petty bickering and focus on those that would enslave us all."

                                Although Zod did not name Miriam, it is widely agreed that a Spartan/Believer plot is behind this sudden shift in global politics.

                                "We must stop and think, lest we approach blindly the edge of darkness..."

                                Zod was also quoted as saying that assessing blame for the incidents is unnecessary and that reparations are silly. "We must be men and move away from these things...towards hope."

