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EREWHON turns - part 2

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  • #31
    i second that, MoSe.
    Darkstar, please stay !!

    You seem to be one kick ass player. How could we possibly replace you. CousLee ? Scary thought. (closely watching his Weizen performance )

    The PBEM code is more than sketchy. I still hope Firaxis will manage to fix the blatant bugs in the next patch, and will continue playing even if they don't. For me there is simply no alternative. In SP the computer is just too stoooopid to pose even the slightest challenge, MP-IP-games are not for me - death by micromanagement. I don't expect anyone to wait for my turn completions, and time limits are completely out of the question.



    • #32
      As I said, I am willing to suffer through until MoSe can find a replacement for me. I like SMAC quite a lot, but the PBEM code segment leaves my system so messed up I have to reboot my system EVERY TIME I "Save and Exit", after playing just one turn. No other game so totally screws things up on my system (currently ). But then, none but DOS and early Win95 games so screw my display either. That tells me loads of info.

      But I won't ever play another PBEM until Brian Reynolds sends me a personalized letter informing me that the code is fixed (so I have something to look at and laugh when it continues as it had) or I get so desperate to play an intelligent opponent in SMAC that I give up my soap box. I don't think the former is going to happen, and it takes a long time for me to get off a soap box sometimes, especially when I find something so unacceptable. I know its out of popularity to believe users and customers deserve a quality product but that is just the way I am.

      (Knight Errant Of Spam)


      • #33

        I respect your decision, but on my old PC - and except for small bugs (more like glitches), I have rarely experienced severe crashes. Maybe your machine is too new... Yes, that's it. I think we should swap ! You get my P100 and I get your screamer

        Anyway, it will be sad to see you go. If you ever change your mind about PBEM, be sure to send me a note, because I'd still love to play a game with/against you !

        About replacement: I'm not sure cousLee would like to play the Pain Killers, that would be heresy You might want to ask Tfs, or Nell (Unless they are already involved in Erewhon's twin brother game... Mario ?)



        • #34
          "bigvax" says it all. Finally the popserver decided to provide again this morning, so the bloated CEO can now take his turn.

          P.S.: can anyone suggest a fast internet mail service like @yahoo. Definite no's or yes ?
          Time for a change. I realy hat letting people wait, grrr@%*


          • #35
            ....and typos are even worse. It's "really hate", for col

            Flo, the keyboardly challenged


            • #36
              Turn sent to Darkstar and the CMN...


              • #37
                Flo, according to Damien, never use
                My young colleague uses it and claims he has no problems with it. Further inquired, he added: "Yes, it's never stuck for more that 24 hours...", go figure

                cousLee is already in Newhon1, and I hadn't the time to directly ask to Nell or Ted, that Animus and Mongoose applied for it (in that order).

                I promised it to Animus, speak now or be quiet forever. I checked only later their availability, an even if Mongoose may claim he's more present, I guess all we require from Animus is that he couples with Lord Zod (jimmytrick) in sending the turn b4 the Lord lays... erm... retires himself in his rooms with Deirdre.

                So Aredhran, unless we see a sudden U-turn from Darkstar ("HEY! you guys can't see a joke? you did take it seriously? I had a glimpse of my PBEMless future days, <shiver> couldn't stand the thought...), please send the turn to Animus,, and forward it for one turn to me and Darkstar too.
                I'll send our new challenger all necessary PW and infos.

                CMN Ace
                I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                • #38
                  'The PeaceKeepers, after a time of internal turmoil, have elected a new leader.'

                  Greetings Fellow Faction Leaders,

                  I, Brother Dr. Animus, extend a hand in peace and seek a cooperative and
                  fruitful coexsistence with the leaders of Planet's ruling factions.

                  Please feel free to contact me for
                  commerce and technology trade.

                  Animus out.

                  Turn sent to Gaians and CMN.

                  Looks like I have a little catching up
                  to do.



                  • #39

                    In regard to your post, are you aware of contact restrictions? If not please e-mail MariOne or Aredhran for specifics.


                    ps: good to have you!


                    • #40
                      Turn Complete


                      • #41
                        My apologies.

                        I thought I read it somewhere that communication before contact was permitted. After a reread of game rules, I have reached the conclusion that I am delusional.

                        I misunderstood,

                        "MP allows diplomacy between human players even if no first contact was made."

                        While overlooking,

                        "Make "in-game" contact before using diplomacy with that faction."

                        I retract my communique.



                        • #42
                          turn 2149 to Aredhran and MoSe


                          • #43
                            Turn sent to Brother Animus...

                            Who should thing about changing the nameplate on his office door, it still reads "Brother Darkstar"...

                            (In case you don't know, go in Network, Customize faction)



                            • #44
                              Turn sent to Gaians and CMN.

                              Aredhran, thanks. I didn't know
                              you could change the name after
                              it's been set already.



                              • #45
                                Turn Complete

