This thread is dedicated to posting turns for the Challenge created by Meister Weizenkeim.
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WeizenXXXX turns
Sorry folks. I sent it to Goob's work email address. Can you imagine? The bastards won't let him play SMAC all day at work. The noive of some people! He told me he's already forwarded it to his home address, but we'll have to wait until he gets home tonight, before he can play his turn.
p.s. Editing capabilities! Cool!
[This message has been edited by JAMiAM (edited May 05, 1999).]
I'm having password problems, as you probably all know by now. Anyone got any ideas? I've been back and forth with Aredhran trying to figure it out and running up against brick walls.
Meister Weizenkeim,
I'd like to send you the turn and see if cousLee's password is accidently written for my faction. Can you do this? I know what my password was. It just isn't working anymore. Could it be file corruption? On the off chance that I only think I know what my password is, I've tried every password that I've ever used, anything that I think that I might have used and nothing works.
Please help.
I replayed 2151, in case the game got damaged when I saved before. If this still does not work, I can replay 2150, or we can all start over. those who played before me for 2150, may decide to just start over. either way is fine with me. my stratagies and movements are not goning to change. I re-sent the re-played 2151 to re-Jam. I re-hope this re-works.
To all Weizen players,
Not even cousLee's replay file did me any good. I'm still locked out. I'm re-really sorry for delaying this excellent game and pray for your patience. If we could restart I would be greatly appreciative. I might even play nice.