OK, SMAC, and I'm -9
No announcement yet.
PMEB... my first... yeah...
Alright let's get me organized here. Is the below correct? Please fill in the blanks.
The version is SMAC v5.0.
Code:[B][I]LIST OF PLAYERS[/I] NAME FACTION EMAIL GMT PASSWORD[/B] Zerokal Spartan Federation [email]xxILIKETOPLAYCOMPUTERGAMES@msn.com[/email]xx -7 submitted Arcainite Peacekeeping Forces [email]xxarcainite@aol.com[/email]xx -5 submitted Ouro_827 Gaia's Stepdaughters [email]xxGodschild_827@yahoo.com[/email]xx -9 submitted Scorpi40000 Human Hive [email]xxscorpi40000@hotmail.com[/email]xx submitted Obstructor University of Planet [email]xxobstructor@inet.hrx[/email]x submitted RalPA Lord's Believers [email]xxralpa7@yahoo.com[/email]xx +1 submitted
Last edited by Barinthus; April 10, 2004, 01:12.
Please submit your setting preferences.
NP = No Preferences
Code:[B] Preference | Zerokal Arcainite Ouro Scorpi Obstructor RalPA[/B] Map size | Large Large Large Large Large Ocean | 30-50 30-50 30-50 50-70 NP Erosion | Weak Weak Weak NP Life | Rare Rare Rare Aver Clouds | Dense Dense Dense NP Difficulty | Libra Tal Transc Transcend | No No Yes No Yes Diplomatic | Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Economic | No No No No Yes Cooperative | Yes Yes Yes Yes Do or Die | Yes NP Flexible start | Yes Yes Yes NP Tech stag | NP Spoils of war | Yes Yes Yes Yes No Blind research | No NP Intense riv | NP No survey | Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No scatter | Yes No rnd events | Yes Time Warp | No Iron man | Rand person | Rand social |
Last edited by Barinthus; April 10, 2004, 01:13.
DataAeolus: Shall i just PM you with a password?"Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment."
-- Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter"
Hi everyone, I'm also a smac beginer. Can I play as Believers? (this would be my first PBEM game) My email is XXralpa7@yahoo.comXX
Large, 30-50, Diplomatic, Economic, and Transcentdent, Do or Die, Steal, and no survey. Godschild_827@yahoo.com
Sent PM, adress used in my profile (obstructor@inet.hr).SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
Hello, folks. Please check the preferences and player list above.
I'm sure you all are anxious to start so once I get Zerokal's email and Ouro's password I pretty much plan to get started on the scenairo.
That means I might will have to make some assumpations re: game settings so if you feel strongly about something, please make sure I know how you feel.
One concern - two players stated their difficult levels. One person wanted Transcend and other one wanted 'something low.' I've noticed most of players tend to want Transcend for PBEMs, shall I assume the same for you guys?
As for your GMT, it's entirely up to you. I was planning to set the turn order in order of GMT because in my experience that is the best way to make sure turns get passed around faster.
Hello RalPA! It's always great to see new people joining our forum community especially if they're interested in playing.
I don't have any problem with you joining this PBEM but it's not really up to me. Some players prefer to keep the number of participants low to help speed up the game.
So this is up to those guys who will be playing. Should they decide they prefer not to accept new players, please don't despair. New PBEMs pop up all the time and you can even open a thread yourself expressing your interest in having a PBEM and I'm sure you will find other interested players pretty quickly.
Again, welcome!
For my settings
I was just quoting Zerokal...But that's ok with me obviously. For difficulty, harder is indeed better. What's the difficulty right below Transcend? That's probably what we want for this game. That way it's a happy medium. We don't want to make it too easy with so many actual players in the game. If you set it too low, it automatically disables certain game functions too, like with the cities, giving some factions (like the Hive for instance) a huge advantage.
-Arcainite (UN Peacekeeper)
PS - My GMT is -5 I think (EST).
Sorry if I misunderstood you, Arcainite but seems it's ok anyway
The level right below Transcend is Thinker.
As for GMT - you can find out by going to control panel, then to edit options... look under 'time offset' - there's your GMT which will be correct as long you did set it to your time zone
-5 GMT sounds right although, I'm in PST and I know I'm at -8.
Difficulty for me would by librarian..... not too difficult i hope. lol My email is: xxILIKETOPLAYCOMPUTERGAMES@msn.com
(case sensitive)
My GMT is -7
Re: For my settings
Originally posted by Arcainite
I was just quoting Zerokal...But that's ok with me obviously. For difficulty, harder is indeed better. What's the difficulty right below Transcend? That's probably what we want for this game. That way it's a happy medium. We don't want to make it too easy with so many actual players in the game. If you set it too low, it automatically disables certain game functions too, like with the cities, giving some factions (like the Hive for instance) a huge advantage.
-Arcainite (UN Peacekeeper)
PS - My GMT is -5 I think (EST).
Also I haven't heard from any of you regarding RalPA. If I don't hear an objection he's in. He has already gave me all information I need so he's good to go. So please speak up or hold your peace