This is the turn tracking thread for the SMAX PBEM "The Laptop Game". Players, in order, are as follows:
Gaians: Chip Buckner
Hive: Yang
UoP: jtisyoda
Morgan: Rubin
Pirates: Sven
Believers: Miriam
PK's: Net Warrior
If you sent me a password preference, then it has been used, otherwise I have assigned and sent it to you.
The turn has been sent to Chip Buckner.
Good luck to all!
Gaians: Chip Buckner
Hive: Yang
UoP: jtisyoda
Morgan: Rubin
Pirates: Sven
Believers: Miriam
PK's: Net Warrior
If you sent me a password preference, then it has been used, otherwise I have assigned and sent it to you.
The turn has been sent to Chip Buckner.
Good luck to all!
