This is the turn thread for the SMACX PBEM: Unlikely Alliances
Before planetfall four of the seven factions formed two unlikely alliances. Lady Deirdre and CEO Morgan formed the first alliance -- Chairman Yang and Brother Lal formed the second.
Game Settings:
-SMACX, Transcend difficulty, Large customized map (average everything)
-All 5 victory conditions enabled
-Do or Die
-Intense Rivalry
-No Unity Survey
-No Random Events
-AI boosted to medium difficulty
-Customized Data Angels faction (+1 Probe)
House Rules:
Players are not allowed to insert stockpile energy into the build queue and supply crawlers may not be upgraded for secret project building and prototyping.
The University:AgentSubversion (Agentsubversion AT aol DOT com)
--> University replacement: SmartFart (zeljkacuric AT lycos DOT com)
The Consciousness: jtsisyoda (jtscheidt AT hotmail DOT com)
The Data Angels: TheRedmenace (msernatinger AT hotmail DOT com)
AI - Morganites
AI - Gaians
AI - Hive
AI - Peacekeepers
CMN: Rubin (Rubin_Datalinks AT hotmail DOT com). Sign-up thread here.
I wish you all good luck. Have Fun!
Before planetfall four of the seven factions formed two unlikely alliances. Lady Deirdre and CEO Morgan formed the first alliance -- Chairman Yang and Brother Lal formed the second.
Game Settings:
-SMACX, Transcend difficulty, Large customized map (average everything)
-All 5 victory conditions enabled
-Do or Die
-Intense Rivalry
-No Unity Survey
-No Random Events
-AI boosted to medium difficulty
-Customized Data Angels faction (+1 Probe)
House Rules:
Players are not allowed to insert stockpile energy into the build queue and supply crawlers may not be upgraded for secret project building and prototyping.
The University:
--> University replacement: SmartFart (zeljkacuric AT lycos DOT com)
The Consciousness: jtsisyoda (jtscheidt AT hotmail DOT com)
The Data Angels: TheRedmenace (msernatinger AT hotmail DOT com)
AI - Morganites
AI - Gaians
AI - Hive
AI - Peacekeepers
CMN: Rubin (Rubin_Datalinks AT hotmail DOT com). Sign-up thread here.
I wish you all good luck. Have Fun!