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I'm a newbie. Play with me?

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  • #16
    It's on the official Alpha Centauri webpage, and check your control panel for pictures.
    I'm an unhappy drone!
    Soon as i hit 500 posts i'll be something else....
    So, since we got no CMN, random with low amounts of H2O?
    Agent Subversion out


    • #17
      Random map
      Standard size
      Average fungus
      Low erosion
      Low rainfall (if you want, doesnt bother me, aint tried it before so will be interesting)
      Low/Average oceans
      Directed research
      Steal tech when conquer base

      Lazerus - Hive
      AgentSubversion - Believers
      Kilian - Gaians

      I assume we're playing transcend aswell

      I think that about covers it. Start when ready
      Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


      • #18
        Do we really have to play on transcend level? I wouldn't mind a little bit easier...
        ,,In the end we will find that intelligent life is always built up in the same way : the core ruling the cell, the brain ruling the body, and : the intellectual elite ruling the masses within a society. Human community-based behaviour is nothing less than behaving exactly as our body behaves." - Kilian Vassar Al'acada, State of the Body : Body of the State


        • #19
          Hey guys need another player? Stinks that all the good factions for a smaller map are already taken (hive uni gians) would say the believers could be good but the way probes are done in a multiplayer game makes them kind of impossible. If you need another player I would take Lal. Would love to have a larger map if possible but will take what I can get. Let me know oh and Kilian transcend is the only way to go believe me, if we go any lower well it won't be pretty...
          A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


          • #20
            If it's not too late, I wold like to play with You too.
            I can take Morgan if it's still free.


            • #21
              OK! 2 more players. Now we're talking.
              Larger map's fine to me, I need a little more time to download that patch- haven't looked yet. Lazerus or AgentSubversion, will 1 of you create the game? I don't know how.

              ,,In the end we will find that intelligent life is always built up in the same way : the core ruling the cell, the brain ruling the body, and : the intellectual elite ruling the masses within a society. Human community-based behaviour is nothing less than behaving exactly as our body behaves." - Kilian Vassar Al'acada, State of the Body : Body of the State


              • #22
                Ok I got the patch (I think). Is it smacp4e.exe from the firaxis site? And let's summarize the rules one more time:

                Large or Huge map suggested
                directed research
                Small oceans - large land mass
                transcend level (unfortunately )
                Low erosion
                I propose medium or large rainfall
                average fungus
                kilian - gaians
                sebed - morganites
                dacole - peacekeepers
                lazerus - hive
                agentsubversion - believers

                Does everyone agree?
                ,,In the end we will find that intelligent life is always built up in the same way : the core ruling the cell, the brain ruling the body, and : the intellectual elite ruling the masses within a society. Human community-based behaviour is nothing less than behaving exactly as our body behaves." - Kilian Vassar Al'acada, State of the Body : Body of the State


                • #23
                  i agree to your propsition about rainfall - low rainfall makes terrible boring game.


                  • #24
                    I concur
                    Agent Subversion out


                    • #25
                      I was wondering if I might also join in, I am also a PBEM virgin and will likly need some pointers. I have created a new E-mail account specificaly for this game

                      xxxxImpalerWrG@yahoo.comxxx (without x's ofcorse)

                      I need to know adsactly what version of SMAC we are using, how do I determine what version of SMAC I have and how to update it it its old.

                      I will also need to know about all these "common" PBEM rules. I am fairly familar with the games bugs and flaws and know too avoid most obvius exploits but I dont know much about other rules and codes of behavior.

                      I like all environmental options at average
                      Size less then Huge
                      Directed Research
                      All victory conditions
                      Tec steal is ok, as is survey thingy but are not musts
                      I like random events on and for their to be lots of Pods.

                      I am usaly a Builder and love Lal, but as he is taken I will indulge my Evil side and take Santiago.

                      Now we just need a University for a full game! (Zak picked last, this must be a first)
                      Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


                      • #26
                        Can i just point out here if everybody wants to go ahead with this 6 player game that we get a CMN to make the start positions fair and this game will last AGES, literally 2years even with a good pace, just so you all know what you're getting yourselves in for with being new so please make the commitment and stick with it if you start.

                        About the map size aswell, i'd still like it at average size, with how slow this game is going to be its going to take months before anybody meets and we can actually start the interesting part of diplomacy.
                        Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                        • #27
                          Good! The sooner we get started, the better. And remember, go easy on Lady Deirdre please, she's new

                          -Normal land size
                          -lots of rain
                          -little erosion
                          -average fungus
                          -large land masses (no 16 square islands )
                          -unity pods everywhere & map survey (if you want it off, now's your last chance to say
                          -kilian - gaians -
                          -lazerus - hive -
                          -agentsubversion - believers -
                          -dacole - peacekeepers -
                          -Impaler - Spartans - xxxxImpalerWrG@yahoo.comxxx
                          -sebed - morganites - I NEED YOUR EMAIL
                          -steal tech when conquer, directed research, no tech stagnation (so the tech won't slow us down to much either)
                          -transcend level

                          Ok check all the above and correct your email if necessary. It's wednesday with me today, I'll (try to) create the game coming friday. Any changes can be given until then! Sebed give your email. Everyone, log in to agree please. We'll start off friday, ok?
                          Yours powerfully,

                          Kilian Vassar Al'acada
                          ,,In the end we will find that intelligent life is always built up in the same way : the core ruling the cell, the brain ruling the body, and : the intellectual elite ruling the masses within a society. Human community-based behaviour is nothing less than behaving exactly as our body behaves." - Kilian Vassar Al'acada, State of the Body : Body of the State


                          • #28
                            How do you like my new end-of-message title? Impressive, eh? Shall we play a game some time in which everyone creates his own ideal state? But first, we're going to play the game we've been creating for some time now. Everyone ready?
                            ,,In the end we will find that intelligent life is always built up in the same way : the core ruling the cell, the brain ruling the body, and : the intellectual elite ruling the masses within a society. Human community-based behaviour is nothing less than behaving exactly as our body behaves." - Kilian Vassar Al'acada, State of the Body : Body of the State


                            • #29
                              The idea of a CMN is for an independant player to create the game and set the passwords, he can then check the starting positions of everybody and if people want add nice tweaks like starting with 3 colony pods and 2 scouts rather then the usual, or stuff like that.
                              Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                              • #30
                                Several things

                                You double listed my E-Mail, both for me and for Dacole (fotunatly its obvious who it actualy belongs too).

                                Would prefer errosion/rainfall at average (if not both then just one if thats possible)

                                Map size is good

                                Why not get a 7th players, it shouldnt be that hard. A lone AI would get so beat up and abused.

                                What version of SMAC do we need to have?

                                Is it ok if I upload all my saves to the forum rather then E-mail them (I am having trouble sending but I can recive).
                                Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

