2111 is now with curiosity
No announcement yet.
Seeking a 3 faction duel
Can't believe you're still reading this thread!
Well, I was able to guess rather early where one of his factions started. I took my Battle Ogre over on a unity foil and found Zakharov with it in 2112. I offered a restart for better positions, and he accepted.
2103 sent...
2111 is played
Using super esp powers I am sensing an alien presence on this planet. meanwhile my factions have commenced free trade. Each of the morganites, drones and university are revelling in the glories of Free Market economies. Trade and tech advances are blossoming and we hope to discover airpower by 2112 ( well- not quite) . . . but the markets amd libraries are booming and we hope that the benefits of free trade and commerce will outweigh any alien technology that is out there.You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo
As I haven't recieved a reply to the 2144 turn yet I presume there's an issue between our e-mail accounts. I'm posting it here, and if need be then I'll set up a new e-mail account for this game.
Would be nice to get this one going again.