So here's what happened....
The world is set up in a way where every landmass is connected by interlocking land bridges.
So anyway, i set up with no natural resources next to me, Deidre is down south of me, Zak is toward my left and Morgan a little past Dee.
My scouts encounter a MASSIVE Believer force and I finally get in contact with Miriam. First diplomatic message she sends me is to tell me I have to give her 100 credits or else. Now, this all has happened within 10~15 realtime minutes. Eventually vendetta breaks out and after 2 real days of playing, I finally beat Miriam but she escapes in a pod. Well, during the Believer/Hive war, I encounter Lal while runnning a Police State. He IMMEDIATELY declares vendetta against me. I switch my economics to 'Planned' to help me out with my population's slow growth. Lal sends a landing party against me and suddenly Dee declares vendetta on me. I have five bases with less than 5 and I have 2 factions in my territory with at least double-digit enemy units in my territory.
Well, I couldn't mass produce enough units in time and lost the game. This is my FIRST loss and I'm pretty pissed. Has anyone here lost a game, or am I the only sad-sack?
The world is set up in a way where every landmass is connected by interlocking land bridges.
So anyway, i set up with no natural resources next to me, Deidre is down south of me, Zak is toward my left and Morgan a little past Dee.
My scouts encounter a MASSIVE Believer force and I finally get in contact with Miriam. First diplomatic message she sends me is to tell me I have to give her 100 credits or else. Now, this all has happened within 10~15 realtime minutes. Eventually vendetta breaks out and after 2 real days of playing, I finally beat Miriam but she escapes in a pod. Well, during the Believer/Hive war, I encounter Lal while runnning a Police State. He IMMEDIATELY declares vendetta against me. I switch my economics to 'Planned' to help me out with my population's slow growth. Lal sends a landing party against me and suddenly Dee declares vendetta on me. I have five bases with less than 5 and I have 2 factions in my territory with at least double-digit enemy units in my territory.
Well, I couldn't mass produce enough units in time and lost the game. This is my FIRST loss and I'm pretty pissed. Has anyone here lost a game, or am I the only sad-sack?
